Match On

Narrow the results in the list by modifying your search field entry with Match On selections.


Enter as many characters of the name as you know.

A Prefix search allows you to use the plus sign (+) as a wild card character, to search for proper names. More...ClosedTo search for a first name of Douglas type +douglas. AMS360 looks for all customers with any last name and the first name of Douglas.

To narrow the search within common last names, enter a last name, the (+) sign, and the first character of the first name. More...ClosedTo quickly find John Smith enter smi+john. The results display all with the last name beginning with SMI with a first name of JOHN.


Narrow your search by specifying a keyword within the name. This search is an exact word or number match.


Use this search option, when available, to begin the list results with a specific letter of the alphabet, or sequence of letters. More...ClosedType a few characters (such as "Mar") and select Begin and Search. AMS360 displays all names that start with MAR and all names that follow that name alphabetically through ZZZZ, or up to the 100 maximum.

Automatically Open Single Customer Search Result When the box is checked, searching for a customer by either their name, Account Number, Claim Number, or More will result in that specific customer automatically opening, presuming the search returns only a single customer instance.

By default, views and lists are limited to 100 items per page. In some Views you can choose to see more items, do any of the following, if available:

    • Use the arrows at the bottom of the page to view additional pages.*

    • Set the Max # of Records Returned field to a value greater than 100 in View Options.*

    • Use View Options to filter the results of your search.

For more information, see How to Sort Lists and Setting View Options.

*Not available for all lists.


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