Get Documents

In the front-end scanning workflow, the Doc360 Get Documents feature is a means by which agency employees import electronic files into AMS360. Get Documents pulls files from employee-designated Hot Folders into the logged-in user's Home Center. If authorized as the Out of Office backup for another employee, the logged-in user can also import documents for that employee.

You can enable Get Documents to automatically check for files in your Hot Folder. However, you can disable the automatic check if you prefer to import documents at will. For more information, see Workflow: Use Doc360 - Front-end Scanning topic, Using Hot Folders to Distribute Documents > Management System Workflow: Using Get Documents. For a list of incompatible file types, see Doc360 - An Overview.

When you import documents using Get Documents, the document files are deleted from the Hot Folder locations. The Hot Folders are empty after the import process. The files are now saved either to the AMS360 database or to a designated shared folder location; for storage options, see Doc360 Setup.

What's Next?

Do you need to re-assign documents? See Document Distribution for more information.

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