First/Middle/Last Name Fields

Customer Name Types How to Enter

Two People/Same Last Name

Enter the names as follows:

  1. Select the Family name option.
  2. Enter the multiple first names in the First name field (Mary & John).
  3. Enter the Last name as normal (Smith).

Professional Title with Last Name

Using the appropriate punctuation, enter the last name and professional title as you want them to appear on forms and correspondence (M.D., J., or III).

Insureds with Different Last Names

Enter the names as follows:

  1. Select the Family name option.
  2. Enter the secondary policy holder's first, middle, and last names (in this exact order) in the First name field. Then enter 'and'' followed by the primary policy holder's first and middle names.
  3. Enter the primary policy holder's last name in the Last name field.

Entering the names in this way causes them to print correctly ('John Reynolds and Shari Malone') on applications and form letters.


When searching for names entered this way, use the asterisk (*) before the name when searching. For example, if you enter John Reynolds and Shari Malone, you can enter *Reynolds in the search field to find this customer. You can also search normally for the primary insured's last name.

Vertafore recommends that you also enter the secondary insured's name in the X-Ref section to provide additional search capabilities.

Individuals as Business Names

If the commercial account name is an Individual, such as Dr. Jonathan D. Barney, you can enter it in the Name fields. It prints the name as Barney, Dr. Jonathan D. This customer sorts by the first letter B rather than J.

Firm Name Field

Customer Name Types How to Enter

Individuals as Business Names

If the commercial account name is an Individual, such as Jonathan D. Barney, M.D., you can enter the full name in the Firm Name field. It prints to forms as Jonathan D. Barney, M.D., and sorts by the first letter J.

When searching for names entered in the Firm Name field in this way, use the asterisk (*) before the name when searching. For example, *Barney in the search field to find this customer.