Build a Test File

You should create a test submission in AIM that contains all of the data you wish to map.

  1. Use the submission ID to create a test export file.
  2. Enter the following information or use the appropriate options described below to create the test export file:
    1. Submission - Enter the Submission # for the test file. You can click Browse to search for the correct submission.
    2. Get Form List - If your policy has already been bound with preselected forms either using form groups or form selection at the quote bind level, click this button to populate that list of forms.
    3. Select Forms – Opens the AIM-Docucorp Form Selection Screen so that you can alter your choice of forms prior to creating your test file.
    4. Build Test File –Builds the file that becomes the import file for Docucorp. In our example below, 0700272~.dat will be saved to the root Scottsdate library directory as specified in Export Directory on the Library Detail tab.

The list of forms is saved to the database in a number format relating back to the key assigned to that form. Refer to the Selected Forms tab.

  1. Click Build Test File.
  2. If you are exporting an invoice or endorsement data, make the appropriate selections in the Invoice or Endorsement lists.
  3. Verify that the information in the Named Insured/Address field is correct.
  4. Click OK.

Your test file appears as shown below. There are three key elements to review:

  • Headers – Syntax is as follows:
    • Carrier;Line of Business;PolicyID;
    • The information contained in the Header lines informs Docucorp of the correct formset to open upon import of the file generated during export.
  • Global Fields – syntax is as follows:
    • Docucorp Field Name\Data from mapped AIM field for current policy.
  • Form Level Fields – Syntax is as follows:
    • Docucorp Field Name\Data from mapped AIM field for current policy.

  1. Verify that the data you are receiving is accurate. If you find incorrect data (or no data) is pulling to the wrong Docucorp field remap those fields.

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