Invoice Code Fee Setup

This workflow may be used in conjunction with the Invoice Code/Fee Setup workflow in AIM Accounting Help.

  1. Click the Invoicing menu, and then click Invoice Codes.

  1. Select the appropriate fee transaction code or click Add to create a new one.
  2. In the Add/Edit Invoice Transaction Codes dialog box, enter the Name and ID code if you are adding a new invoice code.
  3. In the Type list box, select Fee.
  4. Enter the required information in the Defaults group box:
    1. Recipient – The party that ultimately receives the fee. Select one of the following:
      1. In House – Automatically posts to the revenue account set up on the bottom of the window and appears as receivable by the MGA. No commission percentages are required in the In‐House Retention box if the entire fee is kept in house.
      2. Company – Ignores the Revenue Acct and Expense Acct boxes located at the bottom of the window. The fee posts to the default company payable account.
      3. Other – Any party other than a company or your agency who is the recipient of the fee.
    2. Pay To – This box is not available if Company or In House is selected. If Other is selected, the party must exist in the Company table.
    3. Rate or Amount – Can be either a flat dollar amount or a percentage (optional).
    4. Allow Override of Amount – When selected, the AIM user can change the default amount specified in the setup on the Quote/Binder entry window.
    5. Allow Override of Charging Party – When selected, the AIM user can change the recipient on the Quote/Binder entry window.
    6. Non‐Taxable – When selected, this option overrides the option in the Tax Table to include tax on fees.
    7. In‐House Retention – The portion of the fee that will be retained by your agency.
    8. RB/Agt Split – The portion of the fee that will be shared with the Retail Agent on the submission being processed.

If the share of the fee is to follow the commission split on a submission, enter 999 in these fields.

  1. In the GL – Invoice Posing Accounts group box, enter the required information:
    1. Revenue Acct – The amount entered in the In‐House Retention box posts to this account.
    2. Expense Acct – The amount entered in the RB/Agt Split box posts to this account.
    3. DB Revenue – used for Direct Bill Company (DBC) invoices.