Policy Detail Page

Use this page to add basic information for a new policy or to view or update basic information for an existing policy.

This page is the starting point for building policy detail. It is to your advantage to complete as many fields as possible. Information you enter here flows to other areas of the system, including policy detail pages and output forms.

You must complete and save Policy Detail information on this page before you can add detail such as supplemental names, underwriting information, additional/other interests, prior history, coverages, scheduled property, vehicles, drivers, locations, or generate an invoice.

If the policy contains an existing installment schedule, and you are on the Policy Detail page, click the Installment icon located at the top of the page in the Tool Bar.

How to access this page for a new policy

  1. Look up and load the client. The Client Details page appears.
  2. Click Add on the Policies Toolbar. The Transaction page appears.
  3. On the Transaction page, enter the policy effective date (or use the Calendar icon to select a date) and the number of days before you want to follow up.

Select the Transaction Type as follows:



this policy is new business to your agency

select New.

this is a take-on policy that you are adding to the system

select Renewal.

  1. Click Next. The Policy Detail page appears.

The entries you make in the Client Information section of the Client Details page determines the information that appears at the top of the Policy Detail page.

How to access this page for an existing policy

  1. Look up and load the client. The Client Details page appears.
  2. From the Policies Toolbar, click Add.
  3. Select the type of transaction to record on this policy.

If you select



the Policy Detail page appears without making changes or recording a policy transaction.


the Maintain an Existing Transaction dialog box appears. Select the transaction you want to work on by clicking the appropriate link in the TRN column. The Policy Detail page appears.

Any other option

the appropriate Transaction dialog box appears. Enter the information; then click Next. The Policy Detail page appears.

Client Information

The client's name, client code, and primary contact appear directly under the toolbar at the top of the page.

The entries you make in the Client Information section of the Client Details page determines the information that appears. If you do not designate anything within the Contact Method on the Client Details page, whatever is entered in the Phone #1 field appears at the top of the page along with the  client name and client code.

Client Primary Navigation Bar

The Primary Navigation Bar appears directly under the Client name. You can access account Information such as Policies, Locations, and Drivers. The number beside each button indicates the number of items associated with the entity. The >> symbol at the end of the row indicates that there are additional Policy Information Options you can display by clicking the >> (chevron) at the end of the row indicates there are additional menu options. To see the options, click the chevron.

Your System Coordinator can change the order of the buttons for your agency by setting options on the PI Control Record (see, Adding a PI Control Record).

Policies Toolbar

These options allow you to record a policy transaction. access the Policy Detail page, view a policy without making changes, add a new policy, and integrate with other Vertafore products (e.g., More > TransactNow Inquiry). From the right side selections, you can print the contents of the current grid and/or toggle the grid to show archived only policies. For more information, see Working with Grids.

Policies Grid Options Menu bar (View, Add, Print, Archived)

These options allow you to access the Policy Detail page for the policy you have selected in the grid, view a policy without making changes, add a new policy, print the current grid's contents, and toggle the grid to show archived only policies.

Title Bar Menu

When you access a policy, the Title Bar Menu appears with the following options:



Save or ALT+S

preserve any changes you made to this page.

Quit or ALT+Q

exit this page without saving changes.

Invoice or ALT+I

access the Invoices to Clients Page - Data Tab.

Delete or ALT+D

remove this policy from the system. To be eligible for removal, the policy must not have been invoiced, must not have any claims, and must not have a next term.


The Delete option appears only if you are authorized through system personalization to remove policies and you signed on to this Sagitta session using your own user ID. For more detailed information, see Deleting a Policy.

Redisplay or ALT+Y

exit out of Maintenance (Edit) mode back to View mode, re-displaying the Policy options. This option appears when you are maintaining a transaction, and appears on this page and all other Policy pages (e.g., Locations, Drivers, etc.)

When you select this option, the message "Do you want to save changes?" appears. Select:

  • Yes to save the changes.

  • No to exit without saving the changes, and to return to the Policy Detail page, which displays the Policy options at the top of the page.

If you click Cancel after selecting Audit, Cancel, Endorse, Maintain, Non-renew, or Reinstate, you return to the Policy Detail page, with the Policy options at the top of the page.

If you click Cancel after selecting Remarket, Renew, or Rewrite, you return to the Client Details page, which displays all policies.

Note that the Redisplay option does not appear on any client-level pages or in the Invoicing module. It does appear on the Payment Plan/Premium Trans page. 

General field information

Information on this page defaults from the Client Details page, the Transaction page, internal system settings, and data your agency set up during personalization.

Information may pre-fill from Download Transactions to the Miscellaneous Remarks section of this page.

Although there are few required fields on this page, enter as much information as possible. Information on this page flows to policy detail pages and output forms.

Personal Supplemental Info - Complete this section if this is a Personal Lines policy.

Commercial Supplemental Info - Complete this section if this is a Commercial Lines policy.

Required fields

Required fields have a yellow background. They are: Division, Department, Client Code, Bill To Code, Insurer (Company), Payee, Coverage, Bill Method,Term, Effective Date, Effective Time, Expiration Date, Original Effective Date, Producer, Servicer.

In the Binder section, Reason is a required field.

For Non-renewal transactions, you must complete the Reason field in the Cancellation section of this page. If you do not, you will not be able to save the page. Note that the Reason field is mandatory (required) for Cancellation transactions as well.

Policy Number field

Use this field to establish the policy as a binder, application, or in-force policy. The system uses the data in this field to determine whether to include the policy in the Account Current.




BINDER in the Policy Number field. When you save, the system appends the policy sequence # to the word BINDER. The Account Current does not include policies that have BINDER as the first six characters of the policy number.

You must complete the Reason field when you enter a Binder. If you do not complete this field before you click Save, it automatically opens and turns pink so that you can easily identify it.


APP in the Policy Number field. When you save, the system appends the policy

In-force policy

The policy number in the Policy Number field.

Description Field

You can enter up to 30 characters in the Description field. Enter a description that is meaningful to your agency.

Commission % - The agency commission rate defaults from the agency commission % of the policy's initial invoice. You may change this field manually at any time.

If the rate does not default, enter the agency commission rate manually. For example, type 12.5 for 12 1/2 %.

Date Business Started field / Years in Business field

For a commercial lines client, complete the Date Business Started field by entering the date the business first opened. Click Save. The system calculates and displays the number of Years in Business.

If the Date Business Started / Years in Business information is entered on the Client Details page, that information pre-fills to the Policy Detail page when you create a new policy.

Use "Expand All" to open page sections simultaneously

When you access the Policy Detail page, sections such as Binder or Policy Summary at the bottom of the page are "closed." Click Expand All to open and display all the information in these sections. When you have finished, click Collapse All to close all of the sections.


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