Single Sign-On


Single Sign-On (SSO) is available for use by Sagitta Online agencies. SSO allows your users to access Vertafore applications that support SSO, all without requiring a separate login.

  • The preparation process for SSO provisioning is intended to verify that each user being provisioned has an email address in Staff Codes, and that this email is unique from all other users—including any users that will not be provisioned. Provisioning will not work without a unique, valid email address.

  • Provisioning a user is an activity performed on the Sagitta Authentication Management page.

  • The user will receive an email invitation from Vertafore SSO, which includes steps the user must follow.

  • After following these steps, the user is now provisioned and invited to log into Sagitta using the registered email address plus the new password derived from a link on the Sagitta login page.

Login changes after SSO Provisioning:

Once a user is provisioned for SSO, the user's ID and password will be changed, along with the way in which the user logs into Sagitta.

Preparation is required before SSO provisioning is started

For additional information on managing users and products in VSSO, please refer to the articles listed below, plus any related Help topics. These resources will be helpful if you plan to use (or are already using) TransactNow and WorkSmart.