Certificate Wizard -- Overview

Use the ACORD Certificate Wizard to create and issue ACORD 24 Certificates of Property or ACORD 25 Certificates of Liability Insurance.   

This wizard is an interactive utility that guides you through the certificate creation process using a series of tabs in sequence. These five tabs provide the framework you need to create certificates. You can move back and forth among the tabs, filling in the information required.

To ensure that as much information as possible flows to certificates, enter as much detail as possible on the five tabs.

How to access this wizard

  1. Look up and load the client. The Client Details page appears.
  2. From the Client Primary Navigation, select Forms > ACORD 24 Certificates or ACORD 25 Certificates.
  3. Click Add to launch the Certificate wizard.

The ACORD Certificate Policy Selections page -- Policies tab is displayed. The Policies tab is highlighted.

About the tabs on this wizard

Each tab on this page represents a step in the Certificate creation process. Tabs are displayed on the page in the order in which they should be selected to add certificate detail.

The tab you are working on has black text and orange background, as follows:

Information entered on a tab is automatically saved when you select a different tab. You will not receive "Save" prompts when you move from one tab to another.

If you make changes on the Template Preview page and then select another prompt, changes made on the Preview will not be saved.

You can return to a tab that you accessed before to change previously selected information. For example, if you were working on the Additional Interests / Holders page, and realized you selected an incorrect group code, you could return to the Group Codes tab to correct it.

You can move back and forth among the tabs to add certificate detail. Each time you complete a tab and move to the next one, information on the tab is saved.

Message displayed when a policy is removed

If you return to the Policies tab, delete a previously-selected policy or policies that you do not want to include on the Certificate of Insurance, and then click a button or tab to go elsewhere, the following message may appear:

Based upon your changes, some AOIs/Holders previously selected may be removed. Continue? Yes/No.

If you click Yes, the changes are made, and you continue to the Additional Interests Group Code Selections page or the Additional Other Interests page.

If you click No, the changes made on the Policies tab are lost.

If you add a new policy, you must enter policy detail, select Group Codes, AOI/Holders, and/or Supplemental Names, in tab sequential order.

If you have not selected AOIs, you do not receive the message shown above.

Navigation Buttons

Navigation buttons appear at the bottom of each page. Unlike the other tabs, the first page does not have a Back button.

There is no Save prompt. Information is saved when you move from one tab to another.




Leave the Certificate process and return to the Client Details page.

If you click this button while previewing the Template certificateA certificate for which you set the format, using it as a starting point for other/r/ncertificates so that you do not have to recreate the format each time you create/r/na certificate. , the Template certificate record is deleted, and no certificates are created.


Save changes to the current page and return to the tab you worked on previous to this one.

The page you worked on displays the information previously entered.

This button is not available on the Policies tab, because the Policies tab is the first tab in sequence.


Save changes on the current tab and display the next tab in sequence.

This button is not available on the Preview tab, because the Preview tab is the last tab in sequence.


Save changes on the current page and display the Template certificate to see how the certificate will be created.

About the tabs on the ACORD Certificate Policy Selections page

Each tab on this page lets you enter or select information to complete a portion of the certificate creation process.

Policies Tab

Use this tab to select policies and designate the LOB for the policy that should pre-fill to a particular section of the form.

When you add an AOI to a policy, you have the option of associating that AOI with a specific group or groups. Typical groups are banks, mortgagees, lien holders, leasing companies, loss payees, other insureds, certificate holders, etc. You can create a new group or select from a list of existing groups.

For more information on adding AOIs to a policy, see Adding Policy Detail - Procedure.

Additional Interests/Holders Tab  

Use this tab to select the additional/other interests (AOIs) and/or the Holders for which you want to issue the certificate

Supplemental Names Tab  

Use this tab to select the name(s) you want to appear in the Insured section of the certificates. If none are selected, Supplemental Name 1 pre-fills to the tab.

Preview Tab

 Use this tab to display the information that will appear on the Certificate template and any certificates issued from that template. You can review and, if necessary, change information on the Certificate template and any certificates associated with the template.

Quit Button - Top of Page

Click this button or ALT+Q to exit the page without saving your changes.


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