AM Best Ratings Import

Use the following steps to download the latest ratings file from A.M. Best Company.

Check requirements before you begin:

  • Check the A. M. Best File Layout topic for the correct format of the file.
  • Sagitta requires a specific file format—use only the XML Spreadsheet file type.
  1. Download the A.M. Best Ratings Import spreadsheet file.
  2. Open the .xls or .xlsx file and save it as an XML Spreadsheet file as shown below.

  1. In Sagitta, access the A.M. Best Ratings Import page.

  1. Complete the page's two fields:


Matching Field

AMB Number – look for matching records using the AMB NUMBER column on the spreadsheet and the A.M. Best Number field on the Insurer Codes maintenance page

NAIC Code – look for matching records using the NAIC COMPANY NUMBER column on the spreadsheet and the NAIC Code field on the Insurer Codes maintenance page

Report Type

Matched Items Only ; at the end of the process, generate a report showing matched items

Unmatched Items Only ; at the end of the process, generate a report showing unmatched items

Both ; at the end of the process, generate a report showing both matched and unmatched items

None ; do not generate a results report

Note: Regardless of the selection, an error report will be generated if errors are encountered

  1. Click Import to begin the process. Navigate to the folder where the XML format A.M. Best downloaded file is located and select the file to import.
  • The import process will clear out the entire AM Best Information section for any matching Insurer and replace it with information from the spreadsheet. This includes the Admitted and Non-Admitted States grids.
  • The full downloaded file will take several minutes to process.
  • While importing, the SagittaTransfer Window will display on the page and remain there until the process is complete and the report is ready. Upon completion, the A.M. Best Ratings Import page will display, and a PDF based on the output options the user selected will be available. Check the AM Best Rating Import Error Codes  topic if you run into errors.