Agency Platform > Get Started > Image Viewer

Image Viewer

The Image Viewer is integrated into the Documents tab to view documents selected in the file tree or associated with WorkSmart tasks. When you select a document in the file structure you will typically see the related image in the image viewer.

You can click the icons described below to manage documents and pages in the image viewer. When you point at an icon, a tooltip will help you identify the related function.

Click Description
Displays or hides the file tree of the open file.
Displays the attributes of the selected file, folder, document, or page
Used to move between multiple pages of a document
Select the page zoom
Zoom out
Zoom In
Toggle the annotation tools
Show or hide annotations on the page
Indicates the file, folder, or document can be expanded
File level of the file tree
Folder level of the file tree
Document level of the file tree
Page level of the file tree
Drag to change the width of the file tree pane
Thumbnail view for multipage documents such as multipage PDFs
Single page view for multipage documents such as multipage PDFs
Frame or page count for multipage documents

Select an action to perform on the selected item:

Create task or diary

File marks are created in ImageRight Enterprise Management Console and available for use in Vertafore Agency Platform WorkSmart. The marks may be used to identify files that require special attention. You can point at a file mark to see a tooltip to help you identify the purpose of the mark.

When you view (navigate) the contents of a file as explained next, you will see the icons shown below representing the different levels of the file structure.



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