AIM Printer Defaults

You can change the AIM printer default settings for the current AIM session using the AIM Printer Defaults menu command.

  1. On the Edit menu, click AIM Printer Defaults.

  1. Use the controls in the Set Default Printers dialog box to configure the default printer settings.
    1. Set Current Printer to Default Printer – sets the printer selected in the Current Printer list as the default printer.
    2. AIM Document Printer – used for printing documents from AIM.
    3. Override Default Windows Printer – select an AIM document printer other than the default Windows printer.
    4. Fax Printer – used to print from AIM to a fax server, if applicable.
    5. ImageRight Printer Driver – used to print from AIM into the ImageRight application, if applicable.
    6. Current Printer – the currently selected printer, not necessarily the Windows default printer.
    7. PDF Printer Driver – used to print from AIM to a PDF format.
    8. Print Capture Driver – software based printer used to generate print images.
    9. Update for Current Session Only – update the printer list for the current user session only.
  2. Click Update to save the changes.
  3. Click Refresh to refresh the Current tab.

  1. Click the Printer List tab to view a list of all available printers installed on the computer.
  2. Click Close to close the Set Default Printers dialog box.

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