User Defined Fields

In this topic, we continue our discussion of managing commercial property on the Commercial tab in Units At Risk.

Your agency can make use of user defined fields within AIM. User defined fields are database fields used to capture data on a submission that may not be captured by the normal AIM submission workflow. Since the fields cannot be renamed, your agency must determine exactly how the fields are to be used and inform any AIM users that will be using these fields regarding the type of data to be entered in each field.

For example, your agency may decide to always enter an attorney phone number in UserDefinedField1. For reporting and errors and omissions purposes, you should inform all AIM users to enter only attorney phone numbers in UserDefinedField1.

  • To enter a user defined value, click in the box and type the value. There are three of each of the following types of user defined fields:
    • UserDefinedField – string value with a maximum of 64 characters
    • UserDefinedLimit – monetary limit value with a maximum of 14 characters
    • UserDefinedDate – date value
    • UserDefinedValue – real value
    • UserDefinedID – ID field with a maximum of 8 characters

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