Commission Override/Split

The Commission Override/Split command can be used to add a commission split to edit or delete any commission overrides or splits that exist on a selected policy. These entries will create payables in accounting for the entities included in the split.

  1. On the Policy menu, point to Misc, and then click Commission Override/Split.

  1. In the Commission Payable Topane located on the Commission Override/Split tab, enter the following information as to whom the commission is to be paid.
    1. Unlabeled box: Entity description
    2. Name: Name of agency or company
    3. Unlabeled box: ID code of the agency or company
  2. In the Payment pane, enter the following information about the payment.
    1. Transaction Code: Payment type [DO NOT CHANGE]
    2. Comm %: Percentage of commission to be paid
    3. Gross Comm: Percentage of premium received from carrier
    4. Agency Comm: Percentage of premium paid to/retained by primary retail agent on the policy
    5. Net Comm Earned: Net commission earned (populated automatically)

The lists of companies, agencies, and transaction codes are maintained in Data Maintenance Utility (DMU). Please contact your AIM system administrator if changes need to be made to these lists.

  1. Use the buttons, described in the table below, to manage commission splits and overrides.
    Different buttons appear depending on whether you are adding a new entry or reviewing existing entries.


Add a new entry
Edit the selected entry
Delete the selected entry
Save changes and close Commission Override/Split
Save changes and begin adding a new entry
Abandon changes without saving and close Commission Override/Split

Commission split entries are shown in the grid. The commission percentage for each company or agent is shown in the Comm% column. The sum of all commission percentages is displayed in the box beneath the grid.

Concept Link IconSee Also


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