Loss Payee/Additional Interest

In this topic, we continue our discussion of managing vehicle information on the Vehicles tab in Units At Risk.

On the Loss Payee/Additional Interest tab, you can enter information about the loss payee, that is, the person that receives payments in the event of a loss. Similarly, you can add an additional interest on the policy, such as a lender, if necessary.

Loss Payees and Additional Interest entries are listed in the grid at the top. Additional information such as the name, loan number, and contact information for the selected entry are shown below the grid.

In the table below, we provide a brief description the buttons used on this tab and their respective functions.



Add a new loss payee or additional interest

Edit an existing entry

Delete an existing entry

In the steps that follow, we will show you how to add a new loss payee/additional interest. With a little practice you will be able to edit existing records as needed.

  1. Click the Add button.

  1. In the Loss Payee/Additional Interest pane, enter the following information.
    1. Name – name of payee or interest
    2. Loan – loan number
    3. Interest – interest type
    4. Type – type of entry

  1. In the Address/Phone pane, enter the contact information for the entry.
  2. Click OK to save your changes or click Save/Add to save your changes and begin adding a new entry.
    Alternatively, you can click Cancel to abandon your changes.

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