Bind Multi-Company Contracts

Are you binding a submission that involves contracts from multiple Market companies? No participation plan set up for your selection? Follow these steps to proceed with binding and invoicing.

  1. On the Submission Entry-Quote Detail – Page 2 screen,click the Participation Plan tab.
  2. Click Add.

The Contract pane of the Participating Contracts dialog box displays the current Market Company information, and is used only when an appropriate plan is available for selection.

  1. In the Participating Contractsdialog box, select the appropriate payable (market) company and associated contract.
    1. Payable Company - Select the name of the first Market Company.
    2. Contract Nbr - Select the correct contract.
    3. Gross - Review the commission for accuracy, and make any necessary edits.
    4. Section Two – Enter the percentage of participation for property limits and premium
    5. Section One – Enter the percentage of participation for casualty/GL limits and premium.
    6. Other - Enter the percentage of participation for coverages not specified in section one or section two.

  1. Click Add to add additional market companies. Alternatively, you can click Edit to edit an existing entry or Delete to remove an existing entry.
  2. When all participating companies and contracts have been added, click Save to continue, or Cancel to abandon the changes.
  3. Click the Close.

  1. Bind and invoice the submission.
  2. In the Invoice Screen dialog box, click the Detail (AP) tab to view the payables.

  1. Post the invoice as you normally would.