Enter a New Blended or Risk State Rule Submission

In this topic we continue our discussion of multi-state NRRA taxes that we began in Multi-State Taxes NRRA.

In the steps the follow, we show you how to enter new blended and risk state submissions.

  1. In the Filing State list, located in Submission Entry, select the home state.
  2. Select NRRA Multi-State.

  1. Enter the taxable fees and TRIA premium amounts. In the Premium box, enter the premium and press TAB.
  2. Enter the allocations.

  1. Click to allocate the premium by coverage.
  2. Enter the lines of premium distribution. If a coverage type is selected multiple times within the same state line, a warning message is displayed and you cannot save your changes.

Once premium distribution has been introduced into a row, premium distribution must be used for premium entry on all additional rows.

  1. To calculate the individual state tax amounts, click at the end of each row, or click the Calculate button.
  2. Complete the allocation and use the Percent Based options as described earlier.
  3. Click Calculate when you have completed the allocation. Discrepancies are shown in red.
  4. Click Save to save your changes.

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