Other Programs

When enabled in Data Maintenance Utility, third-party applications, such as a rating program, can be started from your AIM session.

For more information about adding a program to the Other Programs list, refer to Data Maintenance Utility (DMU) Help.

  1. On the Module menu, point to Other Programs, and then click the desired program. The following programs appear on the menu by default:
    1. Claims Manager – AIM Claims Manager
    2. MS-Word – Microsoft Word
    3. Outlook – Microsoft Outlook

  1. To run a program that has been added to AIM via DMU, click Run Other Apps.
  2. On the General tab located in Run Other Software, select the application that you want to start and click OK.
  3. If you need to alter the properties of the selected program, click Edit.

  1. Use the buttons, described in the table below, to navigate, edit, add, remove, and bookmark records in Record View.
Button Function

Move to the first record

Move back ten records

Move to the previous record

Move to the next record

Move forward ten records

Move to the next record

Move to the last record

Add a new record

Delete the selected record

Edit the selected record

Save changes to the selected record

Cancel changes to the selected record

Refresh the record list

Bookmark the selected record

Go to saved bookmark

  1. Enter or edit information in the fields provided using the following information as your guide.
    1. Description – A brief description of the application.
    2. ProgramName – The name of the application.
    3. CallFunction – The function to call for the selected program.
    4. ProductID – The ID code representing the product, a combination of the risk company and coverage.
    5. ProgramKey_PK – A unique numeric primary key value associated with the application.
    6. FlagDLL – (Y)es or (N)o flag indicating whether the application will use a DLL call.
    7. ParameterField – The parameters necessary for retrieving an application.
    8. CategoryID – The category ID code.
    9. FlagRatingProgram – (Y)es or (N)o flag indicating whether the application is a rating program.
    10. SystemRequired – (Y)es or (N)o flag indicating whether record is required by the system.
    11. ActiveFlag – (Y)es or (N)o flag indicating whether the record is active.
    12. CreatedByID – The user ID code of the person that created the record.
    13. DateAdded – The date on which the record was added.
    14. ModifiedByID – The user ID code of the last person that edited the record.
    15. DateModified – The date on which the record was last modified.
    16. Comment – Relevant comments about the application or setup.
    17. FlagShellAPI – Indicates whether the application will use a Shell API call.
    18. FlagPassQuoteID – Indicates whether the quote ID of the current submission will be passed to the application.
    19. FlagPassVersionID – Indicates whether the VersionID of the current submission will be passed to the application.
    20. FlagCreateXMLFile – Indicates whether an XML file should be created when using the selected software.
    21. FlagCisApp – Indicates whether the selected software is an AIM application.