Understanding Searches in AIM

As you work in AIM, you will find it necessary to perform searches for a variety of subjects. For example, you may need to search for an agent/broker, insured, or a company. We will show you how to perform a search using the most frequently used type of dialog box and using a wide range of search methods and operators.

We will show you how to search for a retail agent/broker as an example. You can modify the methods that we show you to perform other searches in AIM.

There are multiple versions of the search feature in AIM; however, the versions have similarities in how they function. For example, the Agent Search and the Advanced Search dialog boxes have some differences in appearance, but the primary method of selecting search parameters and starting a search are the same. We will discuss the functions and controls that the searches have in common and discuss any differences later.

  1. Click the Name button located in the Search Criteria pane to select a different search parameter (discussed above), if applicable.

The search criteria varies depending on the type of search you are performing. In some instances, you will click to select the search parameters from a list. In other, more basic searches, the search parameter cannot be changed.

  1. Click the Contains button to select a different search operator. Choose from the following search operators:
    1. Contains – Only results containing the exact text typed in the search box will be shown.
    2. Equal To – Search results with the exact integer or the exact text entered will be shown.
    3. Not Equal To – Search results that contain anything other than the integer entered will be displayed.
    4. Greater Than – Search results will show only integers that are greater than the value of the integer entered.
    5. Less Than – Search results will show only integers that are less than the value of the integer entered.
    6. Between – Two integer values must be entered. Search results will show integers that are greater than the lowest integer entered and less than the highest integer entered.
    7. Begins With – Search will return only files with the text or integers entered by the user at the beginning of the file name or number.
    8. Ends With – Search will return only files with the text or integers entered by the user at the end of the file name or number.
    9. Sounds Like – Search will attempt to locate search results based on an approximation of the sound of search criteria.

The search operator options vary depending on the type of search that you are performing. Basic searches may not provide you with the option to select a search operator.

  1. Type the text of the search criteria in the box and click Search. Click Clear to remove the text without searching.

  1. Use the specific information located on the Search Results tab to identify which retail agent/broker that you want to select. The columns in the Search Results grid contain the same information that we described when specifying the search criteria. Select the retail agent/broker from the list.

  1. Click the Details tab to view the specific details for the selected agent/broker.
  2. Click OK.

In the table that follows we provide you with some examples of searches that can be performed using the search method that we just showed you, as well as information specific to each search type.


Some searches, such as the Advanced Search located on the Main tab, utilize more search operators than can be listed here. In most cases, the search operators for these searches are self-explanatory, however, if you require assistance with any of the operators, please contact AIM Technical Support.

Search For Search By Description
Additional Insured AdditionalInsured Name of additional insured
NamedInsured Name of the insured
InsuredID Unique identifier associated with the insured
InsuredKey_PK Unique numeric primary key value associated with the additional insured
LeadInsuredKey_FK Numeric foreign key value identifying the Insured to which the additional insured is linked
Agent Name Agent/broker name
City City in which agent/broker resides
ID Agent ID code
State State in which the agent/broker resides
Zip Zip code
Fax Main fax number
Phone Main telephone number
E-mail Agent/broker e-mail address
Status Status of the agent/broker
AwardLevel Gold, silver, or bronze award level
StatusID Status ID code
ProducerID Producer ID code
AwardLvl Award level of the agent/broker (bronze = 0, silver = 1, gold =2)
AccountExec Account executive for the retail agent/broker
Company ID Company ID code
Name Name of company
City City in which the company resides
State State in which the company resides
Zip Zip code
Fax Main fax number
Phone Main telephone number
E-mail Main company e-mail address
Type Type of company (risk, market, risk/market, etc.)
Claimant ClaimID Claim number based on submission
QuoteID Unique ID code for a submission
CompanyClaimID Company assigned claim ID
Opened Date the claim was opened
Closed Date the claim was closed
AccidentDate No longer used
Reported Date the claim was reported
StatusID Status of the claim
PolicyID Unique ID code assigned to a policy
Adjuster Name of the adjuster
Insured Name of the insured
InsuredID Unique ID code assigned to the insured
Claimant Name of the claimant
Insured ID Insured ID code
Name Name of insured
City City in which the insured resides
State State in which the insured resides
Zip Zip code
Address1 1st line of the insured's address
Address2 2nd line of the insured's address
Fax Main fax number
Phone Main telephone number
E-mail E-mail address of the insured
DBAName Doing business as (DBA) name of insured
InsuredKey_PK Unique numeric primary key associated with the insured
Invoice InvoiceID ID code associated with an invoice
PolicyID Unique ID code assigned to a policy
StatusID Status of the invoice (C = Cancelled, R = Reversed, H = Held, P = Posted, E = Exported)
InvoiceDate Date that the policy was invoiced
QuoteID Unique ID code for a submission
Invoice Register Bill To Code Varies based on the billing type on the invoice. The value will be (1) a producer ID on AB, DBC, and DBH invoices or (2) an insured ID for DBI invoices.
Dept/Team ID code representing a department or team
Division ID code representing a division
Due Date Date on which payment is due by the retail agent
Effective Date Date on which the selected record becomes effective
InvoiceID ID code associated with an invoice
Pay To Code ID code of the organization (division, agent, carrier) to whom the amount specified on the invoice will be paid
Policy Unique ID code assigned to a policy
Post Date Date invoice was exported to accounting
QuoteID Unique ID code for a submission
User ID code representing a user
InvoiceDate Date that the policy was invoiced
StatusID Status of the invoice (C = Cancelled, R = Reversed, H = Held, P = Posted, E = Exported)
ISO Code IDCode ISO code ID number
Description Description of the ISO code
Table ID table ID code
Location Search Description User defined description of the location
Insured Name of the insured or contact
Address1 1st line of the insured or contacts's address
Address2 2nd line of the insured or contact's address
City City in which the insured or contact resides
State State in which the insured or contact resides
ZipCode Zip code
ReferenceKey_PK Numeric key value identifying the submission to which the insured is linked
InsuredKey_PK Unique numeric primary key value associated with the insured
QuoteID Unique ID code for a submission
InsuredID Unique ID code assigned to the insured
Policy PolicyID Unique ID code assigned to a policy
Insured Name of the insured

Date the policy becomes effective

Expiration Date the policy expires
Premium Premium amount for the policy
LoanNumber Loan number associated with the policy
FinanceCo ID of the company financing the policy
StatusID Status of the submission or policy (BIF = Binder in Force, CXL = Policy Canceled, PCX = Pending Cancel, PIF = Policy in Force, RWS = Renewal of CXL Policy)

ID code for the coverage

QuoteID Unique ID code for a submission
Suspense ReferenceID Identifies the record to which the suspense is linked
DateReq Date by which a suspense must be completed
UserID ID code representing a user
TeamID ID code representing a team
TypeID letter ('F', 'M', 'M', etc.) indicates the type of suspense, such as a Followup, Memo, Visit, etc.
Reason Lookup code ID associated with a suspense. For example, a suspense associated with the 'Misc - Other' lookup code would have a reason id of 'MIS'.
Extended Numeric value that serves a counter for the number of times a suspense has been extended
Completed Date on which suspense was completed
Priority Numeric value ranging from representing the urgency of a suspense – 3 (highest) to 5 (lowest).
CreatedByID UserID of the person that created the suspense
SuspenseID Unique numeric value identifying a suspense

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