Edit Crystal Report Links

Specific reports can be linked to specific forms in the various accounting modules. When selecting Use Crystal Reports on a report form, the specific crystal reports that are linked to that form become available in the report. Once a custom report has been created, it may be saved in any file directory.

  1. On the General menu, click Edit Crystal Report Links.
  1. In the Module list, select the module with which the report is associated. Choose from:
    1. AD – Administrator
    2. AP – Company Payables
    3. AR – Accounts Receivable
    4. CR – Company Receivables
    5. GL – General Ledger
    6. PP – Producer Payables
    7. TP – Tax Payables
    8. VP – Vendor Payables
  2. In the Report Dialog pane, select the report.
  3. Click Add.

  1. In the Report Settings pane, enter the following information:

    1. Description – descriptive name of the report
    2. Report Name – click to select the appropriate Crystal Report
    3. Security Lvl – minimum security level required to access the report
    4. Sort Order – numeric value; where the report should display in a list

    The Created By, Date Added, Modified By, and Date Modified fields are all populated automatically to indicate who created or last edited the record and the corresponding date.

  2. Click Save.

Concept Link IconSee Also