Edit Fiscal Periods

The Edit Fiscal Periods menu command is used to open, close, and create fiscal periods. You can allow the system to default to a calendar year or edit the start/end dates for the accounting periods to denote an agency specific fiscal period.

  1. On the General menu of the Admin module, click Edit Fiscal Periods.
  2. Use the fields and features of the Fiscal Year dialog box, described in the following table, to edit the fiscal periods.



Fiscal Periods tab


Fiscal Year

The current fiscal year.


The dates default to a calendar year. If your agency runs a fiscal year, you must manually edit the Start and End date fields to denote the agency specific fiscal period

Open Period

Toggles between Open Period and Close Period, depending on the status of the selected fiscal period. Use this button to open or close a fiscal period as needed.


Used to filter the view of the list. Choose from All, Open or Closed.

Defaults tab


Current Period

Displays the currently set fiscal periods for the General Ledger, Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable modules.

Reporting Period

Reflects the last period selected when the Financial Report Preparation utility was run.


Reflects the last period selected when an aging report from the Accounts Payable or Accounts Receivable modules was run.

Fiscal Period Start

If your agency uses a fiscal year rather than a calendar year, you must designate the month that the fiscal period begins.

Concept Link IconSee Also