Account Detail Report

The Account Detail Report command, located on the Reports menu, is used to view and print account data for all agents or an individual agent.

  1. In the Report Parameters group box, enter the following information:
    1. Client ID – Enter an agent ID to prepare a report for a specific agent. Leave this field blank to run the report for all agents. Click to open the Select Account search dialog box to select an agent from a list.
    2. Entity – Enter an entity number to prepare a report for a specific entity. Leave this field blank to run the report for all entities.
    3. Starting Date – Type or click to select a start date for the report, that is, the oldest date on the report (only available when used with the Account Activity option).
    4. End Date – Type or click to select a start date for the report, that is, the most recent date on the report.
    5. Double Space – Select to have double spacing between accounts.
    6. Show Transaction Detail – Select to view the transaction detail for each account.
    7. Summary Totals Only – Select to view the report with one line item total for each agent or insured that is selected.
    8. Break By Entity – Select to have the report sorted by both entity and the selection from the Report Sort Order box. The report will be broken down and subtotaled by entity.

  2. In the Options group box, select one of the following options:
    1. Current Balance
    2. Calculate "As Of" Balance
    3. Calculate Ending Period Balance
    4. Account Activity
    5. Aging Report

When the Aging Format option is selected in the Options group box, you can select whether to age invoices based on their due date to accounting effective date.

  1. In the Based On list , select either Due Date or Accounting Eff Date.
  2. In the Report Sort Order list, select one of the sort order.
  3. Click OK.
  4. In the dialog box, click one of the following buttons:
    1. View – view the report on your computer monitor
    2. Print – print the report to a printer
    3. Setup – change the printer setup
    4. Exit – close the print dialog box
    5. Cancel – cancel report printing

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