Agent Commission Statements

The Agent Commission Statements command, located on the Reports menu, creates a report used to generate commission statements for a single account or for all agents.

  1. In the Account Selection group box, enter the following information:
    1. Alpha Range – Select to prepare a report for all accounts by typing ALL in the unlabeled text box or enter an alpha range in the text boxes using any range from A to Z.
    2. Single Acct – Select to prepare a report for a single account, and then click to select the required account from the list.
  2. In the Selection Criteria group box, enter the following information:

    1. Start – start date that the report covers, that is, the earliest date (Click to use the calendar.)
    2. End – most recent date that the report covers
  3. In the Billing Type group box, select the appropriate agent billing type.
  4. Select Use Crystal Reports if your agency has a custom account current report created using Crystal Reports. Selecting this option displays the network path to the location of the report file.
  5. Select Preview On Screen to display the report on your computer monitor prior to printing the report.
  6. Click View Crystal Report Info if you are using a Crystal Report and you want to view information about the report.
  7. Click Print to print, view, or export the report.

The Sorting Options tab is used for the selection of additional sorting options:

  • Group Order – sort by ID code or name
  • Sorting Options – (grayed out) future feature
  • Direction – (grayed out) future feature

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