Dunning Notices

You can use the Dunning Notices report to view or print accounts that have past due balances and are pending cancellation.

  1. On the Reports menu, click Dunning Notices.

  1. In the Account Selection group box, located in the Past Due Statements dialog box, enter the following information:
    1. Alpha Range – Select to prepare a report for all accounts by typing ALL in the unlabeled text box or enter an alpha range in the text boxes using any range from A to Z.
    2. Single Acct – Select to prepare a report for a single account, and then click , and then select the required account from the list.
      Alternatively, you can click to open the Select Account search window to select a company from the list of companies.
    3. Report Group – Select to send to a selected group of agents or insureds.
      You can click to add, edit, or delete report groups.
    4. Direct Bill to Insured Statements – Select to print only direct bill to insured past due statements.
  2. In the Entity/Division group box, click , and then select the entity or division ID. Leave this box blank to prepare the report for all entities/divisions.
  3. In the Selection Criteria group box, enter the following information, if applicable:
    1. Basis – Select either Due Date or Accounting Effective Date, and then click to select the appropriate date.
    2. UnApplied Payments – Select to view unapplied payments for each account selected.
    3. Only Items Marked as Paid By Stmt – Select to view only the agents marked as paid by statement for the account selected.
    4. Suppress Credit Balance Invoices – Select to not show invoices with a credit balance.
    5. Show Current Zero Balance Items – Select to include invoices that have a zero balance for the period specified.
    6. Print Notes – Select to cause notes created against an invoice to display on the agent’s statement.
    7. Suppress Credit Balance Statements – Select to omit any net credit balance statements from the print job.
    8. Suppress summary page – Select to omit the summary page from printing with the print job.
    9. Suppress Audit Invoice – Select to omit audit invoices from printing with the print job.
  4. In the Billing Type group box, select the appropriate billing type.
  5. Select Include Financed Items to include financed items, and then click and select one of the appropriate option.
  6. Select Use Crystal Reports if a Crystal Report has been prepared for this report.
    The box populates the path to the stored Crystal Report making the View Crystal Report Info button active.
  7. Select Preview on Screen to preview the report on your computer prior to printing.
  8. Click Print to print or view the report or you can choose to send the report in an e-mail message.

The Sorting Options tab is used for the selection of additional sorting options:

  • Statement Order – sort by ID code, zip code, or name.
  • Sorting Options – sort by policy number, insured, effective date, or due date.
  • Direction – select either Ascending or Descending

In the large and small Dunning Notice text boxes you can customize the message wording to meet the needs of your organization.

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