UnApplied Cash

You can use the UnApplied Cash report to view and print accounts that have funds which are currently unapplied. The term unapplied refers to cash receipts where this is not an invoice or a quote in the system for the insured.

  1. On the Reports menu, click UnApplied Cash.

  1. In the Report Parameters group box, enter the following information:
    1. Client/Co. ID – Enter the agent or insured ID code. Alternatively, you can click to open the Select Account search window to select an agent or insured from a list. Leave this box blank to run the report for all agents/insureds.
    2. Starting Date – Type or click to select a start date for the report, that is, the oldest date on the report.
    3. Ending Date – Type or click to select a start date for the report, that is, the most recent date on the report.
    4. Division/Entity – Click , and then select the entity or division ID. Leave this box blank to prepare the report for all entities/divisions.
  2. In the Group By group box, select a grouping option.
  3. Select Query Only to view query information on the Detail tab prior to viewing the report.
  4. Click OK to view or print the report or click Cancel to abandon this process.

The Detail tab is used for easier export of the report without the report headers. You can export the report data by right-clicking in the grid, and then clicking Export Grid.

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