G/L Account Explorer

You can use the General Ledger Explorer to review transaction details for a selected period. Before you continue, you might find the definitions of the General Ledger Explorer fields, features, and tabs helpful.



Description or Use

GL Accounts tab

Lists all general ledger accounts with activity for the selected period.

Acctg Period

Click the magnifying glass button to see a list of periods, and then select a period.

Show Master Acct

Select the option to display only master accounts or roll up activity.

Show Trial Balance

Select the option to display year to date debit and credit balances. The data displayed is reflective of all accounts regardless of period activity. The Balance field is not displayed.


Select an option (All, Asset, Expense, Liability, Income, or Equity) to filter general ledger accounts by type.


Select an option (Acct or Descr) to change the sort order of the list.

Account Detail tab

Displays details for the general ledger account selected on the GL Accounts tab.

Source Transaction tab

Displays details for the record selected on the Account Detail tab.

Account Summary tab

Displays summary information and current balance for the account selected on the GL Accounts tab.

GL Account Detail tab

Displays totals by account type and accounting period

  1. On the GL Journal Entry menu, click G/L Account Explorer.

  1. In General Ledger Explorer, enter the search criteria based on the definitions provided in the table earlier, and then view the results.

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