Searching for a Customer
By default, views and lists are limited to 100 items per page. In some Views you can choose to see more items, do any of the following, if available:
Use the arrows at the bottom of the page to view additional pages.*
Set the Max # of Records Returned field to a value greater than 100 in View Options.*
Use View Options to filter the results of your search.
For more information, see How to Sort Lists and Setting View Options.
*Not available for all lists.
If you want to work with information for a specific customer, you must first search for that customer in the Customer Center. You can search on all or part of the customer's name.
Search Criteria and Functionality
Enter the customer's last name or company name. You can also use the asterisk (*) as a wild card. Enter an asterisk (*) followed by a few characters of the name, then click Apply. As an example, if you search for *Smith your results will show anyone whose last name is Smith or that has Smith in the name, such as Joe Smith Enterprises.
If you select the wrong customer from the search results list, click the browser's Back button to return to the list to select another customer.
A pick field is available on the Customer Search page. When a list of customers that meets your search criteria appears, type the number from the far left column of the list into the pick field and press return to open that customer. This eliminates the need to scroll through the customer list and click on the customer name to open it.
Buttons are available for customers returned in a search. You can select a customer in the list and click:
Edit to open the customer form to make changes to the information entered for that customer.
Open to open the customer views page.
Delete to remove a suspect only. The field is not available for a customer or prospect.
When you have the cursor in the Customer Center name search field and press the down arrow key on your keyboard, AMS360 remembers the last customers you opened (up to 10) and displays them for you in a list. If you enter the first letter of the customer name, a list of the last customers that begins with that letter appears. The list is removed when you delete browsing history.
View Options
With View Options, you can filter the results of your search.
Click View
Options to expand the View Options section. Select the appropriate
option; then enter your search criteria and press Enter.
The View Options section collapses automatically, and then the results
of your search appear in the grid.
The view options selected are displayed to the right of the Search criteria
box, which can help you understand the search results you received. If
you do not see the result you were looking for, try selecting less restrictive view options.

The first time you access a center or view, the default view options defined for your agency or system are applied. You can expand the View Options section and change any of the pre-defined options. If you use the same options frequently, you can save them as your "User Default" view. Once you have saved your user default options, the User Default view is automatically applied whenever you access that center or view. Use the Select view drop-down list to select one of the pre-defined set of view options, then click Apply View to update the list results using the selected options. The pre-defined view options (called default views) available are: User Default, Agency Default, and System Default. The Agency Default view is defined by your system administrator. If neither the Agency Default View nor your User Default view has been defined, then the System Default view is applied. You can always select one of the available default views, or temporarily use different view options by expanding the View Options section and modifying the selections without saving. |

Create your own User default view with selections you most commonly use. Expand the View Options section of the page and make your selections. In the Save view as field, select User default from the drop-down list and click Save. The User Default View is updated with your selections. (Some View Options, such as Name or Date Range, cannot be saved as part of a default view.) If you have appropriate security permissions, you can modify and save the view option selections for the Agency Default view. |

Search By |
Select a specific field to search. Beginning with AMS360 Version 23R1, you are now able to search for customers by contact and dependent phone #. |
Include |
Scope of Name Search |
If searching by Name, specify which name fields to include in the search. |
Automatically Open Single Customer Search Result | When the box is checked, searching for a customer by either their name, Account Number, Claim Number, or More will result in that specific customer automatically opening, presuming the search returns only a single customer instance. |
Scope of Customer Search |
Select one or more entity types to include in the search results. Entity types are: Standard, Master/Multiple Entities, or Sub/Multiple Entities. |
Match On |
Specify how the search criteria entered is used to find customer records. More... |
Color Setup |
Apply different font colors to selections using Color Setup to easily identify items in the list results. Different color setup options are available for designated views/centers. |
What's Next?
Once you have located the appropriate customer, view or modify customer information using the tools in the sidebar.
Sidebar menus: