Purge Customer Activity

Access Administration Center.
On the Utilities menu, click Purge Customer Activity.
Use Purge Customer Activity to permanently delete Activities for customers based on your selections. While Purge Customer deletes the Customer and all their data; Purge Customer Activity deletes just Activities (and any attachments for those activities) for the customers you select.
Customers and policies marked as Exclude from Purge will not be purged in this process.
Important Note about Security Rights
Follow these steps to purge customer activities:
- Review Requirements and Considerations.
- Select Purge Activity criteria and populate the list.
- Export the data to review the items that meet your criteria.
- Purge the activities.

Considerations on Purging Activities for Customers
- Activities for customers and/or policies marked "Exclude from Purge" will not be purged.
- Only Activities entered within the Date Range will be evaluated for purging.
Information on the Purge Customer Activity Process
- Purge cannot be cancelled once it's started.
- Purge has no "un-do" option. To restore Purged data requires a full restore.
- In-house agencies must create a valid, current backup before running a Purge. Having a current back will eliminating re-entering data if you need to restore.
- Online agencies should review the Purge Results immediately after the Purge. If there is an error or any reason for a restore, the sooner you restore your database the faster your staff can access the system.
- You can process only one Purge at a time.
- Vertafore recommends that you run a Purge:
- outside business hours.
- when all users have logged out of AMS360.
- The time it takes to run a Purge depends on the amount of data selected to purge.

Select Activities to Purge:
The Center option is set to Customer and cannot be changed at this time. |
- Select one or more entity types (Suspect, Prospect, and/or Customer).
- Choose All Customers or a Specific Customer number. If you choose a specific customer, you must enter the customer number. To find the number, in the Customer Center from the sidebar menu, click Customer Overview. The number is in the General Information section.
- Enter the date range for which you want to delete activities. Both From and To dates are required.
- You can choose All types or a single type of Activity Action.
- You can further identify to purge All Activities or only those with or without Attachments.
- Finally, you can choose to delete Activities for only Inactive Customers, Prospects, and Suspects. (They must be marked Inactive in Customer Information.)
- Click Apply to fill the Purge Item list with Activities matching the criteria you've selected.
The Apply button doesn't appear until you have entered all required information. (Required fields are marked with a red asterisk.)
- If no items appear in the list, choose different options and click Apply again.
You lose your selections if you close the Purge page. |

When the Purge Customer Activities list is populated with eligible purge items, the Export button becomes available. You can use this button to export purge items to a CSV file, and then review eligible customer activities. Use this file as a worksheet to select customer Activities for purging. T
To review items eligible for Purge:
- Click Export. A CSV file opens with purge items displayed. Review the list and make the necessary changes to the customers in the system. Either make them "Active" or mark them as "Exclude from Purge" so they aren't available to purge (see Exclude from Purgefor details). If you don't see a customer you expected to see, review the Requirements section in Purge.
- (Optional) To save the file, we recommend you rename the file to indicate the Purge Date Through date.
- If changes are made to customers and their activities so they no longer meet the requirements for Purge, select Apply again. A new list of customer activities eligible for purge appears in the list.

- From the Purge Item list, select at least one purge item that you want to delete permanently. The Purge button then becomes available.
To purge all activities in the list, you must open each page of items and click Select All. Clicking Select All on the first page doesn't automatically check additional pages
- Click Purge.
- Review and confirm the information in the Purge dialog box, and then click Next.
- Read the warning message, click the box indicating you are aware the process will permanently delete the Activities then click Yes to start the Purge process. If the Purge process doesn't start, a message appears due to one of the following reasons:
- Other applications that require exclusive control are running. Close these applications and click Purge again.
- Another Purge is already in progress. You must wait until the other Purge is completed. Click Refresh to see the latest purge status so you can monitor when the purge is completed. After the Purge is completed, you can select Purge and repeat the steps in this section to purge data.