Company Overview
Applies to: Company Center
The Company Overview displays a view of frequently-used company information. This information is entered when the company is first created in AMS360. If the company is inactive, then the word Inactive appears in red below the title bar.
Key Fields
General | Only fields that have data for the selected company are shown. | |
| Payable/Receivable Balance | Payable/Receivable balance, which includes posted general ledger transactions through the current system date. The balance is updated to reflect recent activity each time you access or refresh the page. Payable Balance is shown for insurance, brokerage, or fee companies. Receivable Balance is shown for finance companies. |
| Type of Company | Indicates company type: Brokerage, Fee, Finance or Insurance company. |
| NAIC | Displays the NAIC code (North American Industry Classification).This code is required for download This code also prints as the company number on the Auto ID card. |
| Master Agency Codes | Displays the number assigned by the company that uniquely identifies the agency or a book of business to the company. These codes are used in certain policy forms, account current statements, and reports. |
| Headquarters | Displays the label identified in Company Setup marked for Center Display Summary heading fields. |
The sections on the right side show related information in grid format. You can collapse a grid if you don't want to display the information. Grids are collapsed by default if no data is available.
Addresses | Displays the various addresses for the company, such as an accounting address, a claims address, and the main office address. Click the Info icon to view additional address information for each description. You can view the location on a map. More... |
Personnel | Displays the company employees the agency works with, such as claims adjuster and underwriter. Click the Info icon to view additional information for the company employee. |
Writing Companies | Displays the Writing Companies associated with the selected Parent Company.
By default, views and lists are limited to 100 items per page. In some Views you can choose to see more items, do any of the following, if available:
For more information, see How to Sort Lists and Setting View Options. *Not available for all lists. |
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To change the setup information for a company:
- Click Edit Company. This opens the Company Setup form for the specified company.
- Edit the fields in the form, as necessary. More...
- Click Save or Save and Close.

You can delete a company record only if no associated transactions exist. Generally, you should change the company's status to Inactive instead of deleting.
To delete a company:
- Click Delete Company in the toolbar.
- If the company can be deleted, a message is displayed asking you to confirm the deletion. Click OK.
- If the company cannot be deleted because transactions exist, a message is displayed. Click OK to acknowledge the message. Follow the instructions below to change the status to inactive.

- Click Edit Company in the toolbar.
- On the Company data entry form, change the status by selecting/clearing the Inactive check box. More...
- Save and close the form.