A brief summary of customer information appears below the customer name. See information about what the summary includes. |

Use View Options to choose criteria to refine or filter the information appearing in the view. For general information about using View Options, see Setting View Options.
Key View Options
Date Range |
Select or type and From Date and/or To Date to view only notes that were created within those dates. |
Purge Date Range |
Select or type From and To Dates to view Notes scheduled to be purged on or between those dates. |
Include Only Notes with Attachments |
Select this check box to display only those notes that have attachments. |
Include Policy Conversion Notes |
Select this check box to include policy conversion type of notes in the view. Conversion Notes are fields from converted customer and policy records that cannot be mapped to a specific field in AMS360. To prevent the loss of this information it is written to a note. |
Max # of Records Returned |
Enter the maximum number of records to be displayed in a single page of the list. By default, AMS360 displays the first 100 records unless you enter a higher maximum number in this field. |
To see the data that meets your selection criteria, click Apply View.
Applies to: Customer Center
The Notes view displays a list of notes entered for the customer. Notes are used to provide additional information about the customer.
Key Fields
Paper Clip | An icon in this column indicates that attachments, such as Word documents or images, are associated with the Note. Click the icon to view the attachments. More... Unless you are granted security rights, you do not see the icon for attachments classified as Hidden (Restricted). For more information about document security, see the topic Workflow: Set Up Doc360 Security. |
Date | Click to open the Notes data entry form so that you can view the full text of the Note and/or make changes. |
Type | The following types of notes are displayed:
Policy # | Displays the policy number if the note is associated with a policy. |
Claim # | The claim number and loss date display if the type of note is claims. |
Print w/Claim Loss | "Y" or "N" in this column indicates the note is or is not associated with a claim and prints with the Loss Notice. |
Note | Description of the note. Longer notes are truncated. To see the full text, click the date to open the Notes data entry form. |
Purge Date | The date this note is scheduled to be purged from AMS360. Notes scheduled for purge are not deleted until the daily process is run with the appropriate options selected. If the Purge Date is blank, the Note will remain unless deleted manually. |
By default, views and lists are limited to 100 items per page. In some Views you can choose to see more items, do any of the following, if available:
For more information, see How to Sort Lists and Setting View Options. *Not available for all lists. |
Would you like to...

Click New Note and complete the fields on the Notes data entry form. More...

Click the link in the Date field link for the note you want to edit. The Notes data entry form opens and displays the current information for the Note.

You may delete only one Note at a time.
- Select the note to delete by clicking anywhere on the row.
- Click Delete Note.
- A message asks you to confirm that you want to delete. Click Yes to delete the note, or No to cancel.

On the toolbar, click Export All. All items on all pages of the list are exported to Excel.
The export process retrieves the information from the database. If items have been added or changed since you refreshed the view, some information in the export file could be different from what you see in the grid. |