Applies to: Customer Center

A brief summary of customer information appears below the customer name. See information about what the summary includes. |

Use View Options to choose criteria to refine or filter the information appearing in the view. For general information about using View Options, see Setting View Options.
The Policies view uses side view panes to display policy information. The following view panes are available in the Policies view.
Policies |
Displays a list of policies and transactions with a link to open the policy. . |
Summary |
Displays either policy summary. activities, Claims, Documents, Notes, Suspense, or WorkSmart documents (if you use WorkSmart) for the policy selected in the Policies view pane. Use the Summary view pane to quickly review policy information and provide better and faster customer service. You can change the category of the summary to be displayed by selecting one of the following options from the Show list:
Use the expand/collapse button to expand the policies list (left pane) to its full view or collapse it to the split view. You can also resize the panes that are displayed side-by-side by dragging the pane divider between the panes.
Key Fields
Click the icon to view a quick reference summary of the most current policy information, including: Customer Information, Lines of Business, Risks, Coverages, and Premiums. More... |
Policy # |
Open the policy or submission information directly from the Policy # link, or expand a policy in the list and select the Tran Eff Date link. |
Tran Eff Date |
By default, views and lists are limited to 100 items per page. In some Views you can choose to see more items, do any of the following, if available:
For more information, see How to Sort Lists and Setting View Options. *Not available for all lists. |
Would you like to...

- Click New Policy in the toolbar to open the Create New Policy data entry form.
- Enter the basic policy information or select a submission to create the new policy. More...

From the Policies toolbar you can also do the following:
- Copy all policy detail from this or another customer to create a new policy. More...
- Endorse transactions to the policy. More...
- Renew/Rewrite expiring and renewing policies while creating a historical record. More...
- Cancel transactions to the policy. More...
- Binder Bill allows you to invoice an insured for coverage before the actual receipt of the policy or confirming endorsement with the carrier. This button is not available if the selected policy does not have any binder transactions. More...
- Compare the differences between two policies or submissions, or two policy transactions. More...
- Export All of the policy list details to a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file. You can then review and archive them.

On the toolbar, click Export All. All items on all pages of the list are exported to Excel.
The export process retrieves the information from the database. If items have been added or changed since you refreshed the view, some information in the export file could be different from what you see in the grid. |