A brief summary of customer information appears below the customer name. See information about what the summary includes. |

Use View Options to choose criteria to refine or filter the information appearing in the view. For general information about using View Options, see Setting View Options.
Key View Options
Group Date Range |
Enter a full date range or choose only a From date to see all items beginning with that date through current date. Alternately, choose only a To date to see all items from the date you began using AMS360 through the date entered. |
Submission Status |
Filter the list of submissions to those with a specific status or include all. |
Display |
Display either the Parent Company or Writing Company name for each submission in the view. |
Include Premium Amounts on DEC page view |
Select this checkbox to display the submission premiums when you view the declaration page information. If you do not want the premiums to display on the Dec page view, remove the check mark. |
To see the data that meets your selection criteria, click Apply View.
Applies to: Customer Center
The Submissions view displays a list of all the customer's Submission Groups, including a list of carriers in the submission.
How can you better market the policy through Submission Groups?
Key Fields
Group # | Select a Group # link to open the Submission Group data entry form to view and edit the list of submissions. Expand an item in the list and select a Submission # link to view and edit the Policy Information data entry form. |
By default, views and lists are limited to 100 items per page. In some Views you can choose to see more items, do any of the following, if available:
For more information, see How to Sort Lists and Setting View Options. *Not available for all lists. |
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Click New Submission and complete the fields on the Submission Group data entry form. More...

On the toolbar, click Export All. All items on all pages of the list are exported to Excel.
The export process retrieves the information from the database. If items have been added or changed since you refreshed the view, some information in the export file could be different from what you see in the grid. |