Bank Reconciliation - Open Items to Clear

You can reconcile bank transactions to the bank statement in the Open Items to Clear section.

Open the Bank Reconciliation form as described in Bank Reconciliation to edit the Open Items to Clear section.

Open Items

Items that have never appeared on a posted Bank Reconciliation Statement for this bank account through the GL Balancing Date entered in the Bank Information section.

The Open Items Grid: You can sort the items in the grid by clicking the header row you want to use for the sort:

Date: The date the item posted to the general ledger.

Bank Date: The date the item cleared the bank; only pulls in if the item is matched in the Bank Transactions view.

Tran: The type of transaction.

#: This number varies based on the type of transaction. Check number for checks and Reference number for deposits and journal entries

Payee/Description: If the item is a check, the Payee Name appears in this field. For other transaction the Description entered for the item appears in this field.

Amount: The total amount of the individual transaction.

Cleared Items

Items you have selected from the Open Items list and doubled-click or click Add to move it to the Cleared Items list.

The Cleared Items Grid: You can sort the items in the grid by clicking the header row you want to use for the sort:

Date: The date the item posted to the general ledger.

Bank Date: The date the item cleared the bank; only pulls in if the item is matched in the Bank Transactions view.

Tran: The type of transaction.

#: This number varies based on the type of transaction. Check number for checks and Reference number for deposits and journal entries.

Payee/Description: If the item is a check, the Payee Name appears in this field. For other transaction the Description entered for the item appears in this field.

Amount: The total amount of the individual transaction.

* Adjust

Use to open a Journal Entry form where you can adjust the original transaction. The adjusting journal entry you create using this link will post when you post the Bank Reconciliation Statement.

Undo Last Click to reverse the last performed action in the statement.


Select an item from the Open Items list and click this button to move it to the Cleared Items list.

You can also double-click the item to move it from the Open to Cleared Items list.


Select an item from the Cleared Items list and click this button to move it back to the Open Items list.

You can also double-click the item to move it from the Cleared to Open Items list.

Add All

Click to move all items in the Open Items list to the Cleared Items list.

Remove All

Click to move all items in the Cleared Items list to the Open Items list.

All Open Items

Deposits: View only. Displays the count and amount of the deposits appearing in the Open Items list.

Checks: View only. Displays the count and amount of the checks appearing in the Open Items list.

Journal Entries: View only. Displays the count and amount of the journal entries appearing in the Open Items list.

(Total): View only. Total amount of Deposits, Checks, and Journal Entries appearing in the Open Items list.


All: Select this option to see all Open Items available, based on the general ledger date selected.

EFT: Select this option to see only Electronic Funds Transfers in the Open Items available ,based on the general ledger date selected.

Checks: Select this option to see only Checks in the Open Items available, based on the general ledger date selected.

Deposits: Select this option to see only Deposits in the Open Items available, based on the general ledger date selected.

JE: Select this option to see only Journal Entries in the Open Items available, based on the general ledger date selected.

OSC: Select this option to see only Outsourced Checks in the Open Items available, based on the general ledger date selected.
All Check Types: Select this option to see All Check Types in the Open Items available, based on the general ledger date selected.
Standard: Select this option to see only Standard Checks in the Open Items available, based on the general ledger date selected.
Handwritten: Select this option to see only Handwritten Checks in the Open Items available, based on the general ledger date selected.
Wire: Select this option to see only Wire Checks in the Open Items available, based on the general ledger date selected.
ACH: Select this option to see only ACH Checks in the Open Items available based on the general ledger date selected.

Cleared Items

Deposits: View only. Displays the count and amount of the deposits appearing in the Cleared Items list.

Checks: View only. Displays the count and amount of the checks appearing in the Cleared Items list.

Journal Entries: View only. Displays the count and amount of the journal entries appearing in the Cleared Items list.

(Total): View only. Displays the total amount of Deposits, Checks, and Journal Entries appearing in the Cleared Items list.

ClosedReconciling Items

To reconcile items:

  1. Compare the list of open items to the cleared items from your bank statement.
  2. If an item shows as cleared on the bank statement, select it in the Open Items list and click Add (or double-click the item) to move it to the Cleared Items list. Only checks with check numbers (handwritten, printed) are available to be cleared.
    1. If an item has been matched in the bank transactions view and has a GL date and bank date within the chosen statement dates, it will appear automatically in the Cleared Items grid. This feature is available beginning with Version 23R2.

  3. Continue to move items from the Open Items list to the Cleared Items list until the Cleared Items totals for Receipts, Checks and Journal Entries agree with the total cleared items on the bank statement.
  4. Use the Remove button to move an item from the Cleared Items list back to the Open Items list.

Closed* Adjust Link

Once an item is moved to the Cleared Items list, if you note that the AMS360 posted amount does not agree with the cleared amount on the bank statement, you can adjust the transaction.

  1. Select the cleared item to be adjusted and click Adjust. The Bank Reconciliation Adjusting Journal Entry form opens.

The bank reconciliation is automatically saved when the adjust link is accessed.

The JE Date defaults to the date of the original transaction but can be changed.

Journal Memo displays a default description for the journal entry, but can be changed.

The Totals group is updated as debit and credit amounts are entered.

  1. Select the voucher row to be adjusted and click Edit.
  2. Enter in the correct amount of the transaction. A journal entry is created for the difference amount. Click Update.
  3. Make sure the Debits equal the Credits and the Balance is 0.00 for your adjustment.
  4. Click Save or Save and Close. You are returned to the Open Items to Clear section of the Bank Reconciliation form. The adjustment is added as a journal entry to the Cleared Items grid.

An adjustment using this feature cannot be made to any bank transaction (check, deposit or journal entry) that has a statement (account current, commissions payable or direct bill) attached.

Statements are made up of billing transactions that should not be altered through a bank reconciliation adjustment. In instances where a minor correction is needed, perhaps due to a posting error by your bank, you can make an adjusting journal entry, using the description section to reference the date of the bank statement where the bank error occurred and the original deposit/check/JE date.

This adjustment can then be pulled into the open bank reconciliation to balance to the bank posted amount.

[* As of Version 23R2, the "Interest Earned" and "Service Charge" sections, as well as the "Adjust Link," no long appear on the bank reconciliation statement. Instead, use the New Journal Entry button ,located in the bank reconciliation statement, to enter any adjustments.]

What's Next?

Do you want to enter additional information in the Bank Reconciliation data entry form? See Bank Reconciliation for more information.

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