Check - Insured, Broker, and Finance Accounts Receivable
When entering a check involving a receivable account, the key step is locating the customer/broker/finance company's invoice balance to which the check is to be applied. See the sections below for more information.
Open the Check form as described in Check, and follow the instructions below:
Insured Accounts Receivable

The default option is Non-Zero Balance Items Only. All open invoices for the selected insured are displayed in the grid, regardless whether the invoices are brokered or non-brokered.
Select the Auto Fill box to plug the Invoice Balance into the Amount column. A default description is also entered. These fields can be changed if desired.
Invoice rows displaying in the grid as "grayed out" are disabled because they do not match the bank's division selected in the General Information section.

To apply a check against a closed invoice (one with a zero balance):
- Select the All Invoices Since option, and type a specific as of date.
- Click Get Data. AMS360 returns all invoices for the insured from the selected date to the current system date.
- Type the check payments to the appropriate invoices in the type-in-grid. Invoice rows displaying in the grid as "'grayed out" are disabled because they do not match the bank's division selected in the General Information section.

Click Add On Account on the section menu to apply a check to an insured's accounts receivable without attaching it to a specific invoice.
Type the Amount to apply on account, a meaningful Description, and then do one of the following:
- Leave the Policy field blank to apply on account money at the customer level.
- Select a policy from the Policy list to apply on account money at the customer/policy level.

To write one check clearing receivables on more than one customer account:
- In the General Information section, select the customer to whom this check is to be made payable.
- In the Insured Accounts Receivable section, for the customer selected above, apply money to the appropriate invoices.
- Search for the second customer in the Insured Accounts Receivable section. The voucher section for this customer refreshes with the invoices belonging to the new customer. Apply money to the appropriate invoices.
- Continue in this fashion until all invoices for all applicable customers are applied. You can also apply money on account if no specific invoice is involved.
- When all customer/invoices are applied and the check amount is positive, click Post.
Broker Accounts Receivable

The default option is Non-Zero Balance Items Only. All open invoices for all customers of the selected broker appear in the grid. Enter the check payments to the appropriate invoices in the type-in-grid. Invoice rows displaying in the grid as "grayed out" are disabled because they do not match the bank's division selected in the General Information section.
If you wish to see receivable balances for a specific customer of the selected broker, click the column filter arrow on the Customer grid column and select the desired customer name.

To apply a check against a closed invoice (one with a zero balance):
- Select All Invoices Since and type a specific as of date.
- Click Get Data. AMS360 returns all invoices for the broker from the selected date to the current system date.
- Type the check payments to the appropriate invoices in the type-in-grid. Invoice rows displaying in the grid as "grayed out" are disabled because they do not match the bank's division selected in the General Information section.

Click Add On Account on the section menu to apply a check to an insured's accounts receivable without attaching it to a specific invoice.
Type the Amount to apply on account, a meaningful Description, and then do one of the following:
- Leave the Customer and Policy fields blank to apply on account money at the broker level.
- Search for a Customer to apply on account money at the broker's customer level.
- Search for a Customer and select a Policy from the list to apply on account money at the broker's customer/policy level.
Finance Accounts Receivable

In the Display group, select the applicable finance company. The default option is Non-Zero Balance Items Only. This displays all open invoices for the selected finance company. Enter the check payments to the appropriate invoices in the type-in-grid.
Invoice rows displaying in the grid as "grayed out" are disabled because they do not match the bank's division selected in the General Information section.
If you want to see receivable balances for a specific customer of the selected finance company, click the column filter arrow on the Customer grid column and select the desired customer name.

To apply a check against a closed invoice (one with a zero balance):
- Select the All Invoices Since option, and enter a specific as of date.
- Click Get Data. AMS360 returns all invoices for the finance company from the selected date to the current system date.
- Type the check payments to the appropriate invoices in the type-in-grid. Invoice rows displaying in the grid as "grayed out" are disabled because they do not match the bank's division selected in the General Information section.

Click Add on Account on the section menu to apply a check to a finance company's accounts receivable without attaching it to a specific invoice.
Type the Amount to apply on account, a meaningful Description, and then do one of the following:
- Leave the Customer and Policy fields blank to apply on account money at the finance company level.
- Search for a Customer to apply on account money at the finance company's customer level.
- Search for a Customer and select a Policy from the list to apply on account money at the finance company's customer/policy level.
What's Next?
Do you want to enter additional information in the Check data entry form? See Check for more information.