Recurring Checks
Using the Recurring Checks feature, you can enter a check once and then have the system automatically create an identical check at regular intervals. This feature is ideal for payroll, mortgage and insurance payments and other transactions that have the same payee and purpose every time.
The Recurring Check templates are created and maintained within a bank account in the Bank Center. The recurring checks are then generated as part of Daily Process at intervals established in the setup.

- Open the Bank Center.
- Find and open the desired bank account.
- On the Actions menu, click Recurring Check.

To modify a recurring check template:
- In the Bank Center, open the bank account containing the recurring check to be changed.
- Select Views > RecurringCheck from the sidebar menu.
- Click the link in the Date column to open the desired recurring check form.
You may need to modify your View Options if you cannot find the desired check.
- Modify the appropriate fields as needed. Which fields can be modified?
- Click the Save & Close icon to save your changes and exit the form.

To delete a recurring check template, do the following:
- In the Bank Center, open the bank account containing the recurring check to be deleted.
- From the sidebar menu, select Recurring Checks.
- Click the link in the Date column to open the desired recurring check form.
- Select the Delete icon.

Running Daily Process for a date that includes an interval of an existing recurring check template generates the recurring check. Once the check is generated, you are given the opportunity to review/change the check data prior to posting.
Example: This is especially important with note payments where the final payment amount may differ from previous entries. You can also use the review process for expenses that recur each month, to change the amounts before the check is posted and printed.
If Post Immediately was selected when the recurring check template was created and saved, Daily Process generates and posts the recurring check to the general ledger immediately, with no review process. |
To review recurring checks created by Daily Process:
- Open the Bank Center, and then select Views > Register from the sidebar menu.
- Recurring checks needing review are unposted. If the GL Date column is sorted in descending order (default) then these journal entries sort to the top of the list. You can also identify them by the RECR in the Type column.
- Click the RECR link to open the check. Review the data on the check form. At this point, proceed with posting and printing as with any other check. See Checks for posting and printing information.