Activity and Suspense Form
(Also Used for Campaign and Submission Responses)
The Activity/Suspense data entry form combines two important functions. From this data entry form you can add either an Activity or a Suspense or both. If the item is to be associated with a customer, company, bank, broker, employee, or vendor use the top section of the data entry form to select the appropriate center and name for the Activity/Suspense.
Activities are permanent entries tracking actions taken for a customer, company, bank, broker, employee, or vendor. You can view an Activity, but you cannot change or delete it. You can change or delete Suspense. You can use the Activity/Suspense form to do the following:
- Add Personal Suspense by selecting the Personal Suspense check box in the Suspense section of the Activity/Suspense form. Leave the Center field blank at the top of the form.
- Enter responses from Campaign participants. For more information see the Manage Responses/Actions Selections > New Response section in Manage Responses.
- Enter Submission Responses from companies in the Activity section of the form, and enter "to do" tasks for submissions in the Suspense section.

We have added the following Actions to the Activity/Suspense Setup winform.
For use with real time integration we added the following:
Phone Call
Text Message
For tracking who logs into the Mobile Application we added the following:
Phone Call
Text Message

- Open a bank, broker, company, customer, employee, or vendor in the corresponding Center.
- or -
Open the Home Center, and then, on the sidebar Actions menu, click New > Activity or New > Suspense.
When you choose Activity, the form opens with focus on the Activity portion. Conversely, when you choose Suspense, the form opens with focus on the Suspense portion. However, you can add one or the other or both whenever the form opens.
You can set up the Activity/Suspense data entry form to appear automatically whenever you access or save certain data entry forms. You can even automatically log an Activity or Suspense without user intervention. For more information see Activity/Suspense Setup.

The following menus are available in a data entry form. Click each menu item to see detailed information. Note that the available menus vary depending on the form.

You can edit or view the following Activity fields in the Activity/Suspense form.

You can edit or view the following Suspense fields in the Activity/Suspense form.
Suspense Fields | What is this? | ||
Center | From the list, select the center to which this Suspense applies. Your choices are:
Information populates the data form depending on which center you were in when you accessed the Activity/Suspense form. If you were in the Home, Financial, or Sales center, the Center selection on the form defaults to Customer. | ||
Name | If your Center selection is customer, click Search to open the Customer Search form and locate the customer. For all other centers, select from the list the name to which this Suspense applies. Information populates the data form depending on which center view you were in when you accessed the Activity /Suspense form. | ||
Launch Center | When viewing a Suspense, you can use this link to open the applicable center (Bank, Broker, Company, Employee, Customer, Vendor) for the selected Name.
| ||
Policy | If you have a policy open when you launch the Activity/Suspense data entry form, the customer, policy, effective date, and company populates the form. However, you can select another Policy from the list. | ||
Effective Date | If you have a policy open when you launch the Activity/Suspense data entry form, the customer, policy, effective date, and company populates form. However, you can select another Effective Date from the list. | ||
Company | If you have a policy open when you launch the Activity/Suspense data entry form, the customer, policy, effective date, and company populates the form. However, you can select another Company from the list. | ||
Claim | If you have a claim open when you launch the Activity/Suspense data entry form, the customer, claim number, policy number, effective date, and company populates the form. However, you can use Search to locate another claim. | ||
Search | Click to open the Find Claim form to locate a claim to attach to the Suspense. | ||
Create Suspense | Check this option to access the Suspense fields. | ||
To | Select the individual responsible for reviewing and completing the task for which the Suspense is being created. | ||
# Days | Enter the number of days you want to wait until following-up on the Suspense item.
| ||
Due Date | Enter the Due Date for your Suspense item.
| ||
CC: | Select an individual, multiple, or all employees who should also be notified of the open suspense item or task for the customer. | ||
Edit | Use edit to change the individuals who should be notified of the open suspense item or task for the customer.
| ||
Complete | Check this option when the Suspense action is complete. This completes the suspense action for all "cc" employees, if applicable. If you are assigned as the "CC" or "Backup" for the item, when you click Update a verification message is displayed. If you are sure you want to mark the item as complete (not just remove it from your own Home Center) click the Complete the selected Suspense item(s) check box. Click Yes to confirm that you are completing an item assigned to someone else, or No to cancel and leave the item as incomplete. If you select the Complete check box for multiple items, the verification message is displayed if you are the "CC" or "Backup" for at least one of the items. Once a suspense item is marked Complete, the check box is not available and the status cannot be changed back to incomplete. | ||
Action | Select an Action for the Suspense. For more information on adding Actions to the list see Action Setup. | ||
Priority | Select Critical, Normal, or Low. If multiple Suspense items appear for the same day then the items are sorted by Priority. | ||
Description | A summary of the action to be taken on the Due Date. Make the first few words of the Description a summary of the key points of the Action. This makes it easier to find the item in the View Suspense grid. | ||
Entered By | The name of the employee entering the Suspense item (logged in user) appears and cannot be changed. | ||
Entered Date | The current date defaults to this field and can be changed. | ||
Times Rescheduled | AMS360 tracks the number of times this Suspense item has been rescheduled without being completed. This cannot be changed. | ||
Create Task | Click this link to open the Task dialog box in Outlook with the information entered in the suspense. You must save the Task dialog box before you can return to the Activity/Suspense data entry form.
| ||
Create Appointment | Click this link to open the Appointment dialog box in Outlook with the information entered in the suspense. You must save the Appointment dialog box before you can return to the Activity/Suspense data entry form.
| ||
Last Exported | View only. The date that the suspense item was last used to create a task or appointment appears in this field. | ||
Personal Suspense | Check this box to flag the Suspense item as personal. Personal Suspense items are not received by the user's Out of Office backup employee. The only recipient of a Personal Suspense item is the designated logged-in user. |
What's Next?
Do you need to complete a Suspense item or view an Activity? For more information see View Activity or View Suspense.