Creating an Invoice
Before you can create an invoice, an amount must exist in either the Premiums and/or the Fees,Taxes, Finance & Down Payments section of a policy transaction. You may want to review these sections of help on the Policy form before accessing the Transaction Premiums/Billing section > Invoicing sub-section of the form.
An amount displaying in either the Unbilled Premium and/or the Unbilled Fees & Taxes fields of the Premium section of a policy transaction indicates an invoice can be created. |

- In the Customer Center, select the customer.
- On the Views menu, click Policies.
- Click the link in the Policy # column for the policy you want to edit. The Policy data entry form opens.
- Make sure premiums and/or taxes & fees are entered in the Transaction Premiums/Billing section of the Policy form.
- Expand the Invoicing sub-section, and then click Create Invoice. The Invoice form opens.
Your login security must allow invoicing, or the Create Invoice link is not visible. |

Field Name | What's This? |
Customer |
Defaults from the customer on the policy, and cannot be changed. |
Invoice Date |
Important things to remember about the Invoice Date field:
Total Amount Billed |
Total of the unbilled premium entered in the Premiums and Fees, Taxes, Finance and Down Payments sections of the policy form for the selected policy transaction.
Installment |
This field displays the invoice effective date and bill method for an invoice. If the invoice includes a pay plan, the list displays all installments in the plan. |
Backward Button |
For an installment pay plan, select the installment using the installment combo box described above, or use the backward and forward arrow buttons to scroll through the installments. Select the appropriate installment to edit the Bill To and/or Invoice Transactions sections for that installment. The refresh button is provided as a convenience to view edits to installments, if not automatically displayed. |
Forward Button |
Refresh Button |

The Bill To section of the Invoice form determines who is billed and where that bill is sent.
With the AMS360 23R2 release, POST/Invoice has added the business units (branch, division, department), and group of the invoice, so that payment vendors can tell the business unit of an invoice to route the payment to the correct business unit.
Field Name | What's This? | ||||||||||||||||||
Select |
Make this the default policy billing address for future billings |
Checking this box applies the current billing address to all installments and policy transactions in the future. This check box defaults as checked. Remove the check mark if the address is for the current invoice only. |
Apply Bill To changes to all installments |
Checking this box applies the current billing address to all installments (past and future) for this policy transaction only. This check box defaults as unchecked. Example: Do you need to correct the billing address for a prior installment and reprint the invoice? Do not check this check box, if you want to selectively change the Bill To address for specific installments. Select the installment from the list in the Policy Transaction section and choose or type the appropriate address.
Print Invoice Options |
The default status of the Print Invoice check box is based on the selections made in the Agency Setup data entry form. To view the default settings, in the Administration Center, click Edit on the Agency Overview toolbar. On the Agency Setup data entry form, locate the following sections: Name, Address and Phone Numbers section > Invoice/Customer Statement - Agency Forms Customization subsection > Customer Default Settings to:
If the Bill To is to an additional interest, a Print memo invoice for customer check box appears. Check this box if you want to send a copy of the invoice to the insured. If there is a broker on the policy, a Print memo invoice to broker check box appears. Check this box if you want to send a copy of the invoice to the broker. |

For a single billable policy transaction, any premium or non-premium marked as billable, and not 100% billed, is included in the invoice.
Benefit policies can now be invoiced for agency and direct bill via Customer Center Billing, although Tiered Commissions are not available. |

Billing transaction rows cannot be added to an invoice within the Invoice form. Use the appropriate sections of the Policy form (Line of Business, Premiums/Fees) to create the lines for invoicing before clicking on the Create Invoice link.
Grid Label | Meaning | Grid Label | Meaning |
Eff Date |
Parent Co |
Name of the Parent Company assigned to the policy. |
Amount |
This is the amount to be invoiced by effective date, by line of business/charge type. You can edit the amount invoiced, but this does not flow back to the Policy form. The difference remains unbilled. |
Writing Co |
Name of the Writing Company assigned to the policy. |
Total |
This is the total amount of the invoice. |
Bill Method |
Pulls from the Bill Method selected in the Basic Policy Information section of the Policy form but can be changed. If you select a different bill method in the Invoicing section than the default, a pop-up message informs you that "The Transaction bill method does not match the bill method for this policy". This is a reminder to change the Bill Method field in the Basic Policy Information section of the transaction, if necessary. |
Transaction |
This is the policy transaction (e.g., New Business, Renewal, Policy Change). |
Agency Comm |
Displays the agency commission rate, for each transaction row, unless the commissions are split, or the policy is subscription. In these cases, a descriptive label appears in place of the commission rate. |
LOB/Chg |
Line of Business (LOB) short name, if the charge type is premium. Otherwise, this field displays the charge type short name from Billings Charges & Credits Setup. |
Agency Amt |
Agency commission expressed as a dollar amount. |
Description |
The description field that appears on the printed invoice. This defaults from a combination of the line of business description, and the transaction description. This description can be changed when the row is in Edit mode. |
Add to All |
A check mark appears in the Invoice Transactions grid if the transaction is edited and the option to Apply description change to all installments for this LOB/Charge transaction is selected. |

- Click the transaction row to select it.
- Click Edit on the section menu. The transaction opens in Edit mode with the Commissions grid displayed.
- Make necessary changes to editable fields and click update.
Fields | What is this |
LOB/Chg |
You cannot edit these fields during invoicing. |
Parent Company |
Writing Company |
Description |
The description field that appears on the printed invoice. This defaults from a combination of the line of business description, and the transaction description. This field can be edited. |
Effective Date |
This is the installment effective date. This can be modified if necessary. |
Amount |
This is the amount of the installment by effective date, by line of business/charge type. You can edit this amount, but it does not flow back to the Policy form. The difference remains unbilled. |
Apply description change to all installments for this LOB/Charge transaction |
Check this box if you want to apply any changes made in the Description of the LOB/Charge transaction row to all installments in the policy transaction. The check box is only available on the first installment of a payment plan. |
Editing Commissions
Commissions default from Company and Employee setup and may be overridden in the Basic Policy Information section/Agency Negotiated Commission group of the Policy form.
Commissions can also be edited during invoicing by installment, by LOB/Charge. You can edit the Commissions grid by typing on the grid or clicking the Edit link.
To split an agency commission row, click the Split Agency Comm link. This creates a second agency commission row. Enter the appropriate premium/commission split by typing on the grid or selecting the row and clicking Edit.
You can continue to click the Split Agency Comm link until the appropriate number of agency commission rows appear, in order to enter your split agency commission correctly.
Fields & Check Boxes | What is this? |
Classification |
This is the classification of the commission recipient (Agency, Broker, Exec). This field cannot be modified. |
Name |
This is the name of the commission recipient. This field cannot be modified. |
Premium |
This is the premium/non-premium amount for the installment LOB/Charge. |
Percent |
Type in the appropriate commission percent, if applicable. Changing this field updates the Comm Amt field to reflect the correct commission amount. |
Comm Amt |
When you type an amount in the Comm Amt field the system updates the Percent field to reflect the correct commission percent. |
Business Unit |
Opens Business Unit Commission Split where you can change the amounts of the split on just this invoice. Changes you make in this field do not update the Business Unit nor Policy Specific Split amounts on the policy. |
Method |
Select the method for calculating the commission amount. If you select % of Agency or % of premium/fees, the Comm Amt field is updated to reflect the correct commission amount. If you select Flat Rate the Percent field is disabled. Type in the flat rate commission in the Comm Amt field. |
Status |
If the commission recipient (Classification) is other than Agency, select Regular or Memo commissions. Memo commissions allow you to create commission records for an employee without posting this commission to a Commission Payable or Commission Expense account in the agency general ledger. Example: Memo commissions are often chosen if an employee receives compensation on a salaried (non-commission) basis, but the agency wants to base the salary on commissions written or earned and wants to print production reports showing commission statistics for the employee. |
Override |
This box is checked when the commission percent or amount is changed from the defaulted value(s). This field is system-generated and cannot be changed by the user. |
Primary |
If checked, this personnel is part of the primary service team. |
Active |
This field is system-generated and cannot be changed by the user. |
All |
If you make a change to the defaulted commission percent/amount, check this box to apply the entered amount to the entire invoice, including any installments. |

- Highlight the transaction row to be deleted.
- Click Delete on the section menu.
- Click Yes on the confirming message.
Deleting invoice transaction rows and reducing the invoiced premium/non-premium amount does not flow back to Policy. This amount remains as unbilled premium/non-premium, unless the policy amounts in the Premium/Fees, Taxes, Finance & Down Payments sections are updated. |

Fields/Check Boxes | Column Heading |
Message |
Type any desired text in the message text box. This message prints in the body of the Invoice form in the Description section for this invoice. This message can also print in the body of the Customer Statements form for this invoice, if the Print on Statement check box is checked. Messages added when invoices and statements are printed appear at the bottom of the form. |
Print on Statement |
Check the Print on Statement check box if you want the message text to appear in the body of the Customer Statements for this invoice. |
Copy to all Installments |
Check this box if you want the message text to appear on all installments. This check box option only appears on the first installment. |

The Invoice Installment Summary section is view only, and shows the initial billing activity and subsequent installment activity (if any) for a single policy transaction. This section is expanded by default when the invoice opens. The grid displays important information which should be reviewed prior to invoice posting.
The selected (highlighted) row represents the installment selected in the Policy Transaction section.

The following menus are available in a data entry form. Click each menu item to see detailed information. Note that the available menus vary depending on the form.

Taking action to close an invoice form without doing a Post, Post & Print, Post & email or Suspend causes the Invoice Form Closing window to display. The text in this window warns that the invoice has not been saved. Your choices for action are:
Action Option | What Happens |
Suspend & Close |
Holds all invoice records in an unposted state to allow for review and later posting and returns you to the Customer View. See Suspending an Invoice for more information. |
Cancel & Close |
Cancels all invoice actions and returns you to the Policy form. |
Return to Invoices |
Returns you to the invoice form you were working on prior to initiating the 'Cancel' action. Allows you another opportunity to take the appropriate invoice action. Use this option if you reached this form in error. |

Multiple Entity customers and policies provide a means of grouping and billing customers who are insured by one policy. Examples of these types of customers are condominium associations where owners are covered by one policy and each shares a cost of that policy. Another example is a franchise where one policy covers multiple locations and each location is responsible for a portion of the premium and is billed separately.
Successful invoicing of multiple entity customers depends on careful set up of the necessary Customer and Policy form sections required for multi-entity billing. For important information on the multiple entity process review the following topics
- Workflow: Enter a Multiple Entity Customer and Policy
- Workflow: Bill a Multiple Entity Policy and Track Receivables

Subscription policies are those where more than one insurance/brokerage company shares in the risk, usually on a percentage basis. Subscription policy billing allows each participating company to have a separate company payable record while consolidating all companies into one invoice for the customer.
Successful invoicing of subscription policies depends on careful set up of the necessary distributions of premiums and non-premiums in the subscription companies form.
See the following related topics for more information.
- Subscription Companies
- Workflow: Invoice a Subscription Policy

Agency Bill
Accounting Basis | General Ledger Postings |
Accrual |
Open the PDF document to see how Agency Bill invoices post to the general ledger when the agency's accounting basis is Accrual. |
Cash |
Open the PDF document to see how Agency Bill invoices post to the general ledger when the agency's accounting basis is Cash. |
Direct Bill-
Accounting Basis | General Ledger Postings |
Accrual |
Open the PDF document to see how Direct Bill invoices post to the general ledger when the agency's accounting basis is Accrual. |
Cash |
Open the PDF document to see how Direct Bill invoices post to the general ledger when the agency's accounting basis is Cash. |
What's Next?
Now that you've created your first invoice you should also read about Binder Transactions and Invoicing and Viewing an Invoice.