Pay Vendors
Use the Pay Vendors data entry form to issue checks in payment of vendor invoices. This form allows you to pay many invoices at once. You can also narrow your pay selections to a specific vendor, bank, pay date, or vendor due date.

- Open the Bank or Vendor Center.
- Select and open the appropriate bank or vendor.
- On the Actions menu, click Pay Vendors.
You can also pay vendors from the Financial Center. |

Group/Field | What is this? | ||||||
Display Options | Select Display Options to include only those invoices in the grid that meet your pay date or due date criteria. Whether you are able to see an invoice in the grid depends on your security access to the payment division associated with the invoice.
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Select to Pay | These fields define the boxes that are checked to pay in the grid. (Note that the grid includes only those invoices that match the Display Options criteria you selected.) Depending on which AMS360 center you are in when you access the Pay Vendors form, certain default selections apply:
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GL Posting Date and Check Type |
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Clear All | Click this button to clear all the check boxes in the grid and to clear the selections in the Select to Pay fields. |

If a Vendor Invoice was posted using a bank that was subsequently made inactive, then that invoice is shown in gray in the Pay Vendors grid. No check will be created.
Column | What is this? |
Select | The iboxes in this column indicate whether or not an invoice is to be included in the check payment transaction. If a check mark appears in the box next to an invoice, then this payment will include the invoice. If the box is not checked, then the payment will not include the invoice. You can click a box to check it or to clear it. |
Name | The vendor name on the invoice: firm name, or last name and first name of an individual. |
Inv # | The number of the invoice, as entered on the Vendor Invoice data entry form. Click the Inv # to open the Vendor Invoice form in Edit mode. |
Description | Description of the invoice, as it appears on the Vendor Invoice data entry form. |
PayDiv | The division from which the invoice is paid. This is specified on the Vendor Invoice. |
Bank | The bank through which the invoice payment is to be paid. |
Pay Date | The agency Pay Date as entered on the Vendor Invoice form: payment check date for the invoice. |
PayBal | Amount remaining to be paid on the invoice. |
PayAmt | The amount to be paid on the invoice for this transaction. |
InvAmt | Total invoice amount. |
Check For | Displays the Vendor Invoice #. |
Check Memo | Defaults to the Vendor Invoice # and the ($) amount of the invoice. This information can be edited. |
Due Date | The vendor due date for payment, as entered on the Vendor Invoice form. |

Posting Type | Icon | What Happens |
Post | Posts to the general ledger. See Reports - Checks for check printing instructions. |
What's Next?
Rather than recreate a vendor-specific invoice each time you pay that vendor, you can create one or more predefined invoice templates for the vendor. For more information, see the Vendor Invoice Template topic.