Schedules and Proposals
Schedules and Proposals combines the power of the AMS360 database and Microsoft Word© to create customized documents for companies, customers, prospects, and others. You save time because information such as customer names and addresses; policy numbers and dates; and items and coverage information from AMS360 merge with the main document creating a personalized document.

On the 360 Toolbox menu, click Schedules/Proposals.

The following menus are available in a data entry form. Click each menu item to see detailed information. Note that the available menus vary depending on the form.

Use the following procedure to merge a Schedule, Proposal, or Summary based on one or more policies or submissions:
- Open Schedules/Proposals. The Schedules Proposals data entry form appears.
- In the Document Selection section, select the name of the main document you want to merge.
- In the Customer Selection section, verify or search for the Customer for whom you want to create the document.
- If you open Schedules Proposals from the Customer Center or the Policy data entry form, AMS360 pre-fills the customer information for you. You can search for a different customer if needed.
- Enter the Display Policy Detail Based on date you want to use when selecting policies to merge.
- To reduce the number of policies listed in the grid, check the Select Current In-Force Policies Only box.
- Check the Reorder Policies box if you want to rearrange the policies on the schedule, proposal or summary, from how they appear in the Customer/Policies Selection grid.
- Select the policies or submissions that you want to use to create the schedule, proposal, or summary. You can select multiple policies or submissions by holding down the Ctrl key while selecting lines in the grid.
- In the Activity Options section, click Log Activity if you want to add a new Activity showing the document was merged. Then choose Provide Default Description to see the type of merge and document name on the first line of the Description field in the Activity data entry form.
- Click Merge & View or Merge & Print.
Special information for policies that contain both scheduled and unscheduled equipment associated with multiple locations: If you choose to merge data for a specific location using the Schedules Proposal Preview – Data Selection, your merged document will contain scheduled and unscheduled items for all locations. Delete the information you do not want to include in the final merged document.
- If you select Merge & View you can modify the information in the merged document. When you are finished with the document, save it, print and close Word. This version of the document is attached to the Activity, if you selected to log an Activity.
- When you are finished, close Schedules Proposals.

Select the document template that you want to use for merging customer and policy data. To add a new document, change, or hide an existing document see Document Library.
You can sort the documents based on any of the columns. Click on a column header to sort that column in ascending or descending order. A solid arrow appears on the header to indicate the grid information is being sorted on the information in that column. The default sort is by category.
Field Name | What is this? | ||||||||
Type |
Indicates whether the document template is intended for use as a:
Category |
Assigned when the document was created. The category is used to group the letters by the general message they contain. |
Name |
The actual file name of the document. Example Commercial Lines Summary. |
Description |
Additional information entered when the document was added to the document library. |
Author |
The person who created the document. |
Saved |
The date the document was created or last saved. |

Identify the customer and policy information to merge with the selected document template. If you selected Schedules/Proposals from the Customer Center or Policy data entry form, the customer name pre-fills this section.
Field Name | What is this? | |||||||||||||||||
Customer |
Policy Grid |
The following details appear for the policies in the grid:

Use this section to specify whether or not to log an activity for this document and if so, the options to use. If you select to log an Activity, the last saved version of the document is saved to the Activity.
Also, if multiple policies are included in the document the Activity is logged for the customer and does not reference the policy numbers.
If your agency is set up to require activity logging for Schedules/Proposals, the check box is selected and cannot be changed. In this situation, an activity must be logged.
Field | What is this? | ||
Log Activity |
Check to create an Activity for this schedule, proposal, or summary.
Provide Default Description |
Check this option to display the type of merge (e.g., Merge & view) and the document name on the first line of the description field in the Activity data entry form. |
Activity Description |
Use this area to enter an Activity description that appears for the customer, or for all recipients of a Target List. |
You can hide the toolbar by right-clicking it and then clicking the check mark beside Main Toolbar. To display the toolbar, right-click the menu bar and click Main Toolbar.
What's Next?
Do you want to add a new main document to the library? See Document Library or DocDesigner for more information.