Sticky Notes
Use this application to give your personal or customer Notes the ability to become sticky, causing them to automatically appear when you log in (Personal Sticky Notes) or open a customer (customer-assigned Sticky Notes).

- Personal Sticky Notes appear when the user assigned the note logs in.
- Customer Sticky Notes automatically appear when you open a customer who has a Sticky Note.
- Click Sticky Note in the Customer Center Summary. The icon appears only if Sticky Notes exist for the customer.

Create a Sticky Note in the same manner as any other Note. When you create a note, select the Make Sticky check box on the Notes data entry form.
The Make Sticky option is only available for Customer and Personal Notes. |
For more information about creating a Note, see the Notes topic.

The following icons are available in the Sticky Notes toolbar.
New Note |
Opens the Notes form so you can enter a new note. |
Dock |
Moves the Sticky Notes application to a different location on your desktop. |
Sort |
Sorts the Notes appearing in each tab. |
Pin |
Minimizes the Sticky Notes display. |
Hide Sticky Notes |
Hides the Sticky Notes display. The display reappears when you click the Sticky Notes icon for a customer. |
Display Toolbar |
This icon appears when the Sticky Notes display is reduced to a thin bar. Opens the Sticky Notes toolbar. |

Sort Order
The notes are organized based on the type of note, first Personal and then Customer. Within the Personal and the specific Customer tabs, the notes are then sorted by Priority (critical, normal, and low) or by Note Date, whichever you have selected.
Select the sort option you wish by clicking the Sort icon on the toolbar and selecting either:
- Priority
- Note Date
Color-coded Priority
- The colors of the note change based on the Note's priority.
- Critical - Red lettering on a white background
- Normal - Black lettering on a yellow background
- Low - Black lettering on a green background
Note Header
The date the Note was entered appears in the note header. If the note is for a policy or claim, the following information appears in the header along with the date:
- Policy Number
- Claim Number/Claim Date
Docking the Display
You can change the location of the Sticky Notes display by clicking the docking icon on the Sticky Notes toolbar and selecting a location on the screen.
- Left
- Right
- Top
- Bottom
AMS360 remembers the last location you selected so when you exit and log on again, the display is in the last location you chose for it.
Notes that are docked to the top or bottom of the screen appear horizontally. Notes docked on the left or right side of the screen appear vertically. |
Multiple Customers/Separate Browser Sessions
If multiple customers are opened via separate browser sessions, those customers with a sticky note, also have a Sticky Note tab on the display.
The sticky note tab focus is on the active customer for that session. Each Sticky Note tab has its own close capability via an X.
When a tab is closed it does not reappear until you click the Sticky Note icon on the customer's summary.

You can edit or delete a Sticky Note in the following ways:
In the Home Center for personal notes or Customer Center (with customer open) for customer notes, click Views > Notes. Locate the note you want to edit or delete and click the date link. The Notes data entry form appears.
- Edit as needed and then click the Save and Close icon.
- Click the Delete icon on the toolbar.
On the docked Sticky Note display, click the personal or customer tab that has the Sticky Note you want to edit or delete. Right-click the Sticky Note.
- Select Edit from the menu. Edit as needed and then click the Save and Close icon.
- Select Delete from the menu.