Business Unit Assignment
You can use this feature to limit lists for Companies, Employees, Vendors and Brokers based on Employee Business Unit assignment. For example, if you are a large agency with different Employees, Companies, Vendors and Brokers at different locations.
By assigning a Business Unit to these entities, you can then limit Employee, Company, Vendor and Broker lists through out the system, making it easier for users to select the right Company, Employee, Vendor and Broker.
This new feature gives you the ability to assign Employees, Companies, Vendors and Brokers to specific Business Units. Lists will be filtered to only display the Employees, Companies, Vendors and Brokers assigned to the Business Unit of the logged in user.
Greatest Business Unit Assignment Wins Out
If a logged in user is in multiple Business Units, the Business Unit Assignment giving them the greatest list of items will apply. For example, if an employee is in two Divisions;
- Division One is filtered to only show a partial list of Companies.
- Division Two has no filtering.
- When the employee accesses a Company list with filtering, no Companies will be filtered out, as Division Two applies with the complete list.

- Open the Administration Center.
- On the Agency Overview toolbar, click Edit. The Agency Setup form opens.
- Expand the Business Unit Setup section, and then click Business Unit Assignment for Filtering.

To turn the Business Unit Filtering feature on, select File > Business Unit Filtering.
To turn the Business Unit Filtering feature off, select File > Business Unit Filtering again.
To reset the Business Unit Assignments:
- Select File > Reset Business Unit Assignment. The following message appears:
"You have selected to reset Business Unit Assignments back to the original defaults. This will clear any Business Unit Assignments you have previously setup. Do you wish to continue?"
- Click Yes to clear any Business Unit Assignment settings, or click No to return to the form with no changes.

See the following options in the Filtering Options section.
Base assignment on the following Business Unit Level | Select an option, and then click Fill Grid to fill grid with your selection. The Business Unit Assignment Grid below displays your selection:
Limit list selection at the Agency Level throughout system for | Select one of the following options for Employee, Companies, Vendor, and Brokers:

Your selections from Filtering Options are displayed in the grid after clicking Fill Grid.
The grid is sorted by Division, Branch, Department, Group, then the limit list selections at the Agency Level for Employee, Companies, Vendors, and Brokers.
To edit the Business Unit Assignment grid:
- The additional fields appear.
- Select a row from the grid, and then click Edit on the section bar.
- Edit the following fields.
Copy Assignment |
Limit list selection at the Business Unit Level throughout system for | Only the selections that have the Business Unit option selected in the Limit list selection at the Agency Level throughout system for field are available in this field. Edit the subsections for Employees, Companies, Vendors, and/or Brokers to further limit your lists. |
- Click Update to add your changes.
Each agency has different needs for their Business Unit Assignments and their level of filtering lists. Vertafore recommends you set your Business Unit Assignments by gradual increment. For example, you might begin by assigning filtering at the Division and Branch level. Turn on Business Unit Filtering for a few days to monitor employee use and feedback. Then increase or decrease the filtering level as necessary. |