Report: Custom Claims Activity Report
The Custom Claims Activity report combines the qualities of both the standard Activity List report and the Claims Management report. You can easily report claim activity for a specific customer, or for all customers. You can narrow your search by selecting parameters: for example, search within a specific Loss Date range, or filter only certain kinds of claims or lines of business.
You can also report a loss run for a specific customer, including data from policies that you designate.
Custom Claims Activity is an "add-on" custom report: it is accessible only if you have purchased the custom license. For more information, please contact your agency’s account manager.

In the Select Report group, select the Claims Activity Report.
Group/Field | Description | ||||||||||
Customer |
To include All customers in your report, leave the check mark in the All box. To select one customer, take the check mark out of the All box, enter the first few letters of the customer name and click Search. This takes you to the Customer Search form where you can find your customer. Selecting a specific customer opens the Policy and Claim fields below. |
Claim Status |
Narrow your results to include only a specific Claim Status by selecting it from the list, or select (All). |
Kind of Loss |
Narrow your results to include only a specific Kind of Loss by selecting it from the list, or select (All). |
Contact Type |
Narrow your results to include only a specific Contact Type by selecting it from the list. You can also select All. Select the box labeled Include Claim Contact if you want to include claim contact information as part of the report. |
Policy and Claim Selection |
Loss Dates |
You can select from the date picker, or enter the date manually. Select one of the following options:
Report Options |

Field | Description |
Policy # |
The policy number associated with the activity. |
Policy Term |
The effective and expiration dates of the policy. |
Policy Prem |
The total cost of the policy. |
Customer Name |
Customer firm name, DBA, and last name, first name. Depending on the customer, some or all of these names can appear. |
Loss Ratio |
A Loss Ratio is the ratio of incurred losses to net earned premium. Specifically, it is the quotient of Total Incurred (total loss amount) divided by Policy Premium (total cost of policy). |
Loss Date |
Date the loss occurred. |
Report Date |
Date the loss was reported. |
Claimant Name |
Name of the first claim Contact, as entered on the Claim data entry form. |
Claim No |
Number assigned to claim for tracking purposes. |
Claim Status |
Current status of the claim (e.g., open, closed). |
Kind of Loss |
The cause of the loss entered in the Claim data entry form. |
Paid To Date |
Claim payment + supplemental payment + final payment - stop payment. |
Current Reserve |
Loss reserves minus total claim. |
Expense |
Adjustment expense. |
Recovery |
Unpaid loss reserves. |
Total Incurred |
Total loss amount, including claim and reserves. |

CSV Columns | Description |
CustLastName |
Customer last name. |
CustFirstName |
Customer first name. |
CustMidName |
Customer middle name. |
CustName |
Customer last name, first name. |
ReportDate |
Date the loss was reported. |
ClaimStatus |
Current status of the claim (open, closed, etc.). |
ClaimCatNo |
The three-digit AL3 (ACORD level 3 standard) catastrophic number, if entered on the Claim data entry form. |
ClaimLossDate |
Date that the loss occurred. |
CaimNo |
Number assigned to the claim for tracking purposes, as entered on the Claim data entry form. |
CauseOfLoss |
The cause of the loss entered on the Claim data entry form (i.e., collision) |
PolNo |
The number of the policy associated with the activity. |
PolEffDate |
Effective date of associated policy. |
PolExpDate |
Expiration date of associated policy. |
FullTermPremium |
Amount of the full term premium as entered on the Policy form. |
ClaimDescOfLoss |
Description of the loss as entered on the Claim data entry form. |
ClaimantName |
The name of the person or party making the claim. |
TranDate |
Date and time entered on the activity. |
PaidToDate |
The total of all claim payments, supplemental payments, and the final payment, minus all stop payment amounts entered. |
Recovery |
The total of Salvage and Subrogation amounts entered. |
CurrentReserve |
The loss reserve amount minus the total claim amount. |
Reserve |
Unpaid loss reserves. |
Expense |
Adjustment expenses. |
Remaining |
The loss reserve amount minus the Paid To Date amount. |
TotalIncurred |
Total loss amount. |
PolicyPremium |
Premium amount for the policy. |
Line of Business attached to the claim. |
DescriptionLOBS |
Description of the lines of business. |
ActivityDate |
Date entered on the activity. |
ActivityAction |
Action selected on the activity. |
ActivityDesc |
Description entered on the activity. |
ActivityBy |
Name of employee who created the activity. |
ActivityByShort |
Short name of the employee who created the activity. |

Group/Field | Description | ||||||||
Customer |
To select a customer, enter the first few letters of the customer name and click Search. This takes you to the Customer Search form where you can find your customer. |
Claim Status |
Narrow your results to include only a specific Claim Status by selecting it from the list, or select (All). |
Kind of Loss |
Narrow your results to include only a specific Kind of Loss by selecting it from the list, or select (All). |
Policy and Claim Selection |
Loss Dates |
You can select from the date picker, or enter the date manually. Select one of the following options:
Report Options |
Description: Accept the default description, or enter a new one that describes the report you are requesting. Print Cover Page: Select this option to include a cover page listing the selected options included in the report |
Select Policies |
Select a policy in the Available Policies grid and click Add to include it in the report output grid. You can also click Add All to include all the available polices in the output grid. To exclude a policy that you have added, select the policy in the output grid and click Remove. You can click Remove All to exclude them all. |

Field | Description |
Policy # |
The policy number associated with the claim. |
Policy Term |
The effective and expiration dates of the referenced policy. |
Policy Prem |
The policy premium amount. |
Customer Name |
Customer firm name, last name, first name. Depending on the customer, some or all of these names can appear. |
Name under which customer conducts business. DBA = Doing Business As. |
Writing Co. |
Name of writing company associated with the referenced policy. |
Producer |
Name of the Producer (Executive) entered on the policy. |
Loss Ratio |
A Loss Ratio is the ratio of incurred losses to net earned premium. Specifically, it is the quotient of Total Incurred (total loss amount) divided by Policy Prem (total cost of policy). |
Claim # |
Number assigned to claim for tracking purposes. |
Claimant |
Name of the first claim Contact, as entered on the Claim data entry form. |
Loss Date |
Date the loss occurred. |
Claim Status |
Current status of the claim (e.g., open, closed). |
Kind of Loss |
The cause of the loss entered in the Claim data entry form. |
Clos Date |
Date the claim was closed. |
Paid To Date |
Total payments less any stop payment: |
Current Reserve |
Loss reserves minus total claim. |
Expense |
Adjustment expense. |
Recovery |
Unpaid loss reserves. |
Total Incurred |
Total loss amount, including claim and reserves. |

CSV Columns | Description |
CustLastName |
Customer last name. |
CustFirstName |
Customer first name. |
CustMidName |
Customer middle name. |
CustDBA |
Name under which customer conducts business. DBA = Doing Business As. |
CustName |
Customer first name, last name. |
ClaimStatus |
Current status of the claim (open, closed, etc.) |
ClaimCatNo |
The three-digit AL3 catastrophic number, if entered on the Claim data entry form. |
ClaimLossDate |
Date the loss occurred. |
Loss Date |
The actual date of the loss. |
ClaimNo |
Number assigned to the claim for tracking purposes and entered on the Claim data entry form. |
ClaimantName |
The name of person or party making the claim. |
CauseOfLoss |
The cause of the loss entered in the Claim data entry form. |
ClosedDate |
Date claim was closed. |
ClaimDescofLoss |
Description of the loss, as entered on the Claim data entry form. |
AddlRisk |
Additional risk information, as entered on the Claim data entry form. |
ReportDate |
Date the loss was reported. |
PaidToDate |
The total of all Claim payments, Supplemental payments, and the Final payment, minus all Stop payments entered. |
Recovery |
The total auto Salvage and Subrogation amounts entered. |
CurrentReserve |
The loss reserve amount minus the total claim amount. |
Reserve |
The total of all loss reserve amounts entered. |
Expense |
The total of all adjustment expenses entered. |
Remaining |
The loss reserve amount minus the Paid To Date amount. |
TotalIncurred |
Total amount of loss. |
Total Claim |
The total of all Claim payments, Final payment, and Supplemental payments, minus Salvage amount, Subrogation amount, and Stop payment amounts entered. |
PolNo |
The policy number associated with the claim. |
PolEffDate |
Date that the policy went into effect. |
PolExpDate |
The date that the policy expires. |
Policy Premium |
The policy premium amount. |
CancelDate |
The cancellation date of the associated policy, if applicable. |
ProducerLastName |
Last name of the Producer (Executive) associated with the referenced policy. |
ProducerFirstName |
First name of the Producer (Executive) associated with the referenced policy. |
ProducerMidName |
Middle name of the Producer (Executive) associated with the referenced policy. |
WCompName |
The name of the writing company associated with the policy. |
ClaimContactName |
Claim contact name, as entered on the Claim data entry form. |
ClaimContactAddress1 |
First line of claim contact address information. |
ClaimContactAddress2 |
Second line of claim contact address information. |
ClaimContactCity |
Claim contact city. |
ClaimContactZip |
Claim contact zip code. |
ClaimContactState |
Claim contact state. |
ClaimContactResPhone |
Claim contact residential phone number. |
ClaimContactBusPhone |
Claim contact business phone number. |
ClaimContactFaxPhone |
Claim contact fax number. |
ClaimContactEmail |
Claim contact email address. |
ParamLOB |
Line of Business parameter selected in Policy and Claim Selection group box. |
Line of Business associated with the claim. |
DescriptionLOBS |
Description of the lines of business. |