Report: Custom Activity Report
The Custom Activity report returns information about activities logged by specific executives, representatives, and/or brokers. You can narrow your search by selecting additional parameters, such as the activity date range or line of business, as well as customer or policy notations.
The Custom Activity report is an "add-on" custom report: it is accessible only if you have purchased the custom license. For more information, please contact your agency’s account manager.

Access this report by either of the following methods:
- Select the report from the Quick Reports menu in the sidebar on the Customer Center.
- On the 360 Toolbox menu, click Reports to open the Reports - All dialog box where you can select the report from the list.
Make your selections, then select one of the following from the File menu:
- Print Preview
- Click Create CSV to export the report to the program of your choice.
- Preview Cover Page

Group/Field | Description |
Customer | If the All check box is selected, all customers are included. To search for a specific customer, remove the check mark. Enter the first few letters of the customer name and click Search to browse for your customer. |
Action | Select one, multiple, or all Activity Actions from the list. Select (All) to include all Actions. |
Activity Date Range | Include those Activities created within a certain date range. From the date picker, select the earliest date (From) and the latest date (To) in the range. You can also enter these dates manually. |
Customer Information | Use the any of the following customer information fields to narrow the report results to the selected item(s):
Policy Information | Use the any of the following policy information fields to narrow the report results to the selected item(s):
Grouping/Sorting | Grouping Select parameters to create primary and secondary groupings for the report data. For example, you can group results by Action. As a secondary grouping, within each Action group, you could group results by the Executive name associated with each Activity. You can select None if you don't want to group your results. Sort Order Indicate whether to sort results by Activity Date or by Customer Name. |
Report Options | Select any or all of the following report options:
Optionally, you can enter a report description that indicates to you the options selected (e.g. All customers for Broker Jane Doe). |

Field | Description |
Action | The Action (e.g., form letters, billing, application) selected for the Activity. |
Customer Name | The Customer firm name, DBA, and last name, first name. Depending on the customer, some or all of these names can appear. |
Activity Date | Date and time entered on the Activity. |
By | The short name of the employee who created the Activity. |
Policy Number | The policy number to which the Activity is attached. |
Policy Type | Policy Type as selected on the Create New Policy data entry form. |
Parent/Writing Company | The Parent Company associated with the referenced policy. |
Tran Type | Type of Transaction entered on the policy (e.g., New Business, Policy Change, Reissue, etc.). |
Tran Eff Date | The effective date of the Transaction (e.g., New Business, Policy Change, Reissue, etc.). |
Policy Prem | The policy premium dollar amount. |

CSV Columns | Description |
Action | The Action selected for the Activity (e.g., form letter, billing, application). |
Customer Name | The last name, first name for the customer on this activity. |
Customer Csr Name | The representative name assigned to the customer on the activity. |
Customer Csr ShortName | The representative short name assigned to the customer on the activity. |
Customer Exec Name | The executive name assigned to the customer on the activity. |
Customer Exec ShortName | The executive short name assigned to the customer on the activity. |
Broker Name | The broker name assigned to the activity. |
Broker ShortName | The broker short name assigned to the activity. |
Customer Div Name | The division name assigned to the customer on the activity. |
Customer Div ShortName | The division short name assigned to the customer on the activity. |
Customer Dept Name | The department name assigned to the customer on the activity. |
Customer Dept ShortName | The department short name assigned to the customer on the activity. |
Active Customer | Indicates whether the customer assigned to the activity is active or inactive. |
Customer Notation | The Notation assigned to the customer on the activity. |
Customer Number | The AMS360 account number assigned to the customer on the activity. |
Endorsement EffDate | The endorsement effective date for the policy on the activity. |
Line of Business | The line of business associated with the activity. |
Parent Company ShortName | The Parent Company short name assigned to the policy on the activity. |
Parent Company Name | The Parent Company name assigned to the policy on the activity. |
Writing Company ShortName | The Writing Company short name assigned to the policy on the activity. |
Writing Company Name | The Writing Company name assigned to the policy on the activity. |
Policy Number | The policy number associated with the activity. |
Policy Division | The division assigned to the policy on the activity. |
Policy Deprtment | The department assigned to the policy on the activity. |
Policy Notation | The Notation assigned to the policy on the activity. |
Policy Csr Name | The representative name assigned to the policy on the activity. |
Policy Csr ShortName | The representative short name assigned to the policy on the activity. |
Policy Exec Name | The executive name assigned to the policy on the activity. |
Policy Exec ShortName | The executive short name assigned to the policy on the activity. |
Policy EffDate | The effective date of the policy on the activity. |
Policy ExpDate | The expiration date of the policy on the activity. |
Policy Premium | The total pure premium for the policy (excludes fees and taxes, and any other non-premium charges) on the activity. |
Transaction Date | The date of the policy transaction on the activity. |
Transaction Type | The type of Transaction (e.g., New Business, Policy Change, Reissue, etc.) assigned to the policy on the activity . |
Description | The description entered on the policy on the activity. |
System Date | The system date assigned to the activity. |
Total Cost | The sum of all the premium columns for the entire policy and non-premium rows for fees and taxes only, on the activity. Does not include financed non-premium rows or down payments. It also excludes rows where "Do not include in premium totals" is marked. |
Total Billed | The total of all posted invoices displayed in the Billed Premium field on the Policy data entry form for this activity. |