Document 360 Overview
Doc360 is an integrated document management system for the AMS360 product. It provides your agency the means to import electronic files into AMS360 and attach them to applicable activities, notes, and/or vendor invoices.
If your agency uses a third-party imaging vendor, Doc360 integrates with this third-party application. Third-party integration features are enabled Doc 360 Setup; see Doc360 Setup > Doc360 Setup Sections > Third-party Integration Setup.
Key elements of the Doc360 system include:
- Centralization: Doc360 provides a central repository for your agency's documents, with the benefit of document compression, encryption, and security classification levels.
- Retrievability: Users are able to index, search, find and re-use documents within the management system.
- Sharing and Routing: Users can forward documents to specific personnel, attach documents to system-accessible records such as activities, notes, and vendor invoices, or assign documents to multiple centers.
- Action: Doc360 provides users the ability to act upon system document files, including options to view, edit, delete, copy, attach, re-assign, email and index a document
Additional Doc360 features include document activity audit tracking, analytical reports, document security classifications authorized by employee security groups, and system setup options that customize the Doc360 features to best suit your agency's scanning workflow.

Before you begin using Doc360, you must make several decisions about how to best utilize the system to your agency's greatest benefit. Ask yourself these questions:
Question | Answers |
What sort of documents do I want to attach using the Doc360 feature? |
Creating guidelines for the documents you will and won't attach in AMS360 prevents useless clutter in your electronic files. Information that you need to retrieve easily or access frequently is a good candidate for Doc360. |
What security levels will I need to set up for documents? |
Doc360 allows you to secure documents so they can only be viewed by employees given security access. |
What level of employee security do I want, and who needs access to Doc360? |
Using AMS360 Security Group Setup, you can assign various levels of access to documents. |
How will I standardize file names within Doc360? |
Decide upon your agency's file naming convention, and ensure its consistent use. System file names are generally assigned to a document at the time of import. |
Will I use index keywords and/or numbers to identify and retrieve documents? If so, how will I standardize index data within Doc360? |
Indexing can help your agency identify, organize and retrieve files within the system. By assigning index keywords or numbers to your documents, you create file search criteria unique to your agency. However, in order to avoid document retrieval problems, be sure that your agency uses a consistent indexing method. |
When will the majority of paper documents be scanned, and who attaches them to the appropriate customer or center in AMS360? |
You have three workflow options for scanning documents:

The following file extensions are not Doc360-compatible, and therefore cannot be imported into the system: .bas, .bat, .cab, .cmd, .com, .cpl, .dll, .exe, .js, .jse, .lnk, .lnk2, .msi, .msp, .mst, .ocx, .pif, .reg, .scr, .sct, .sql, .vb, .vbe, .vbs, .wsc, .wsf, .wsh.
What's Next?
For Doc360 procedural information, see these topics: