Workflow: Using Data Schedule Import/Export
The AMS360 Data Schedule Import/Export feature enables you to import or export key types of policy, or line of business data into or out of your AMS360 database. This feature helps improve your workflow and drastically reduces the need for manual re-keying of data. AMS360 provides one permanent template per data schedule for this purpose.
The template for each data schedule contains a complete set of data fields that AMS360 stores. They are designed to ensure that you can easily export an empty table (with database column titles) to your customer for them to fill in (e.g., Fleet of Vehicles). Once your customer has filled in the CSV file, your client's data can easily be imported back into your AMS360 database.
These permanent templates cannot be modified or deleted but you can make copies to allow for customization. See Data Schedule Template for more information.
The following example describes how to export, then import, the AMS360 Policy Locations Template. You can use the same principles for all other templates from a policy or line of business form that has the Data Schedule Import/Export feature available.

Order | Level | Reason | |
1 |
Policy Locations |
Basic Policy Level |
Premise Information in a Line of Business pulls from locations entered in Basic Policy. |
2 |
Vehicles |
Line of Business
It is recommended that you enter the Garage Location(s) first before importing the Vehicle's Template. |
3 |
Drivers |
Line of Business
4 |
Equipment Floater Scheduled Equipment |
Equipment must be associated with a location. |
5 |
EDP Scheduled Equipment |

- With a customer record open in Customer Center, select Views > Policies from the sidebar menu. Select the policy and click the policy number to open the Policy form.
- From the Policy toolbar click the Export Data Schedule icon, or select Operation > Data Schedule > Export. The Data Schedule Export form appears.
- Choose the Export Options according to the activity regarding the policy. For example, select Export Data Schedule Template Onlyif this is a new policy. For a renewal or endorsement to an existing policy you could select Export Data Schedule Template with Data to include the existing policy information.
- Optionally, click New (opens Data Schedule Template) to make a unique template for ease of identification during the Import process after your client returns the information. Selecting Include Template name in Exported File populates the first row of the .CSV file with your selection from the Template list.
- Select one of the following delivery options by clicking the appropriate button.
Export: Opens the Save As dialog box.
The default is to save as a .CSV file. You can choose to save as an .XLS file which allows for customized presentation. However, this must be converted back to a .CSV file before attempting to import.
For more information on customized presentation see Microsoft Excel Help.
- Default location: <user>Local Settings\Temp\AMS\Data Schedules\Export Files folder.
- Default file name: <Policy No> <LOB> <Data Schedule>.CSV
Email: Opens the Contacts form.
- Highlight the appropriate email address(es) that are pulled from the policy information.
- Click To.
- Click Email. A new email message with the subject line "Please review the attached schedule" opens. This can be edited as necessary. Automatically attached are the following files:
- <Policy No> <LOB> <Data Schedule>.CSV
- DataFormatInstructions Locations.txt

When your client has returned the completed CSV file you can continue with the Import process.
- Save the file to your workstation.
The default location AMS360 uses for the import is Documents and Settings\User.Domain\Local Settings\Temp\AMS\Data Schedules\Import Files folder. - Open the customer and policy. From the Policy toolbar click the Data Schedule Import icon , or select Operation > Data Schedule > Import. The Data Schedule Import form appears.
- Under Select Import File and a Data Schedule Template click Browse. The Open dialog box appears.
- Select the client's .CSV file from its saved location. The file appears in the Import File field.
- You can also drag and drop the .CSV file onto the Import form.
- From the Template list, select the template used during export.
- Click Import. The Data Schedule Import Reconciliation form appears.

The Data Schedule Import Reconciliation data entry form automatically appears after completing the Data Schedule Import form.
When importing a Date Schedule into an existing policy, conflicts can occur. The Data Schedule Import Reconciliation allows you to identify and correct these items. Also, any existing items already on the policy and/or line of business are identified before submitting the data to import.

Records with Import Errors
- Fix Errors: Click the error message links. These are located under the Error Message column on the far right of the grid. They open the Data Schedule Import Reconciliation - Error Record form.
See Data Schedule Import > Data Format Instructions for more information on what these errors mean and how to correct them. - Unable to Fix Errors: When you have finished correcting errors in the grid, the items remaining may need more information from the insured. Select Copy to new worksheet to create a .CSV file of the items that require more attention. Email this file to your insured for updating.
Import the New Records not Found on Policy
This section displays all records from the import file that do not match the records on the policy.
Data also appears when it is new to the policy and/or line of business and contains no errors. Often this is after you have fixed an error under the Records with Import Error(s) section.
Merge and Update the Matching Records Found on the Policy
This section displays all records from the import file that match the records on the policy.
Data appears when it matches data on the policy and/or line of business and contains no errors. Often this is after you have fixed an error under the records with import error(s) section.
Existing Records Found on the Policy, But Not in the Import File
Displays all records that are found on policy, but not in the import file. You may select the records to be deleted from policy during the import process.

- If you click Import with no record selected, AMS360 displays a message asking you to select records for import.
- If you click Import with records selected, AMS360 responds with a confirmation message with the following information:
# of new records imported successfully
# of matching records updated successfully
# of existing records deleted from Policy
# of import file records NOT imported

The Data Schedule Import Reconciliation - Matched Record form appears if you selected a link in the "# of Changes column" in the Merge and Update Matching Records Found on Policy section.