Workflow: Adding, Editing, and Deleting Company Plans
Use the Company Plans feature to enter programs or plans offered by a company. You can set up agency commissions by plan.

You can access Company Plan Setup by either of the following:
Open the Administration Center. On the Customer/Policy Setups menu, click Company Plan Setup.
From any data entry form that has a Toolbox menu, select Toolbox > System Administration > Customer/Policy Setups > Company Plan Setup.

The Plan Code in a company plan cannot be edited after it is added. Therefore, if an error is made after the plan is added and before it is saved, Vertafore recommends deleting the plan and re-entering it. See Deleting a Company Plan in this topic. If the plan has already been saved, then you have the option of changing the status to Inactive. See Editing a Plan in this topic.
Use the following procedure to add a Company Plan:
- Click New. The Company Plan Setup data entry form appears.
- Type a unique Plan Description and Plan Code.
- Verify that Active is selected.
- Click Add.
- When you have finished entering Company Plans click Save or Save and Close. The Company Plan now appears in lists throughout AMS360.

A Company Plan can be deleted after it is added and before it is saved. See Deleting a Company Plan in this topic. If the plan has been saved, then you have the option of changing the status to Inactive.
Use the following procedure to change (inactivate) a Company Plan:
- From the Company Plan list, select the Plan that you want to inactivate and click Edit. The Company Plan data entry form appears.
- Select the Active check box and verify that the check mark is gone. Click Update.
- When you are finished, click Saveor Save and Close.
Inactivating a plan does not affect existing policies where the plan was used. At the point you inactivate it, the plan no longer appears in lists throughout AMS360.

A Company Plan can be deleted after it is added and before it is saved. If the plan has been saved, then you have the option of changing the status to Inactive. See Editing a Company Plan in this topic.
Use the following procedure to delete a Company Plan:
- From the Company Plan list select the plan you want to remove and click Delete. A message appears asking you to confirm the deletion. Click Yes.
- The plan is deleted and disappears from Company Plan lists throughout AMS360.
- When you are finished, click Save or Save and Close.
What's Next?
Before you add, edit, or delete company plans, do you need to know more about Company Plan Setup?