Proposal Builder Release Notes
Proposal Builder: AMS360 24R3 Release Notes
October 25, 2024
Vertafore is pleased to release Proposal Builder 24R3 for AMS360.
With each release, we are incrementally improving and updating Proposal Builder to provide you with the best possible experience.
Feature Updates
Start Proposal: Display and Reorder Policies from AMS360
Proposal Builder’s Start Proposal page will now allow proposal creators to view and reorder policies sent from AMS360 on the "Start Proposal" page, thereby enabling a customized arrangement and ensuring the Table of Contents reflects the new policy order.
Auto Removal of Duplicate Data from Tables
When this new agency preference is enabled, Proposal Builder will remove duplicate rows of policy information from the Locations, Named Insured, and Service Team tables.
The preference will be toggled “off” by default and will need to be enabled by a Proposal Builder admin.
When this feature is enabled, only exact matches will be removed automatically .
Premium Column Added to Basic Policy Information Table
The premium column from the Policy Comparison table is now available in the Basic Policy Information table.
NOTE: A Proposal Builder admin will need to add the updated table to their Basic Policy Information reusable section for it to appear in proposals. |
"Hide Element" Option
Proposal creators can now hide an element.
The "Hide Element" option is available in the top left corner of every element throughout the proposal.
Enabling this feature will hide the element from both the proposal preview and the exported proposal.
“Select All” Option for Adding Dynamic Tables
Proposal Builder admins now have the option to add all available tables when creating a reusable section.
Clicking “Select All” will select all the available tables for a given Line of Business.
Proposal Creation Flow – Autosave
Autosave is now enabled for the entire proposal creation flow process.
Any time a user makes a change throughout the creation flow, autosave is activated and displays a message with a time stamp located at the bottom of the screen.
Homeowners Mapping Update
Proposal Builder now maps the appropriate symbols for different deductible types within AMS360, thereby providing accurate and clear information for proposal creators.
Additional Business Unit Dynamic Fields Added
Proposal Builder now has dynamic fields for city, state, and ZIP code information for agency, division, branch, department, and group, which enhances the customization and robustness of proposals.
Updated Navigation Bar
Proposal Builder now has a top navigation bar that displays the Agency Management System from which a user was launched.
Defects Resolved
DS10689 |
Truckers Reusable Section: Removing Table Name and Custom Column Headers Not Displaying on Customize |
Original Issue: When the table name within a Truckers section is removed, the change was not displaying in the “Customize” view. Additionally, when columns headers were renamed, this change was not displayed on the “Customize” view.
Fix Deployed: Proposal Builder now displays the most recent version of the tables within the Truckers Reusable Section.
DE40536 |
Admin - Templates: Changes Not Triggering Autosave Message |
Original Issue: When making a change to an existing Template, the autosave message was not being triggered.
Fix Deployed: When changes are made to the Template, the autosave message is now displayed at the bottom of the screen.
DE48779 |
Proposal Creation: "Back" Button on Cover Page Editor Does Not Trigger Autosave Message |
Original Issue: If a user made Cover Page edits and then hit “Back” to return to Customize, the autosave message was not being triggered.
Fix Deployed: Now, when changes are made to the cover page and "Back" is clicked, the autosave message is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
DE49351 |
Proposal Creation – Commercial Inland Marine – Additional Coverage: Line of Business Coverage Levels Sort Order is Not Retained |
Original Issue: Coverage level additional coverages sorting was not being retained or displaying the correct coverage level when the policy is sent to Proposal Builder.
Fix Deployed: Coverage level now displays "Line of Business" and retains the proper sort order for this type of additional coverage.
DE51942 |
Search: Search is Case-Sensitive |
Original Issue: Search was case-sensitive and caused the incorrect results (or no results) to appear when searching throughout Proposal Builder.
Fix Deployed: Case sensitivity is now removed from search criteria.
May 3, 2024
Vertafore is pleased to release Proposal Builder 24R1 for AMS360. With each release, we are incrementally improving and updating Proposal Builder to provide you with the best possible experience.
Feature Updates
Create Proposals Table of Contents – Select and Rearrange Multiple Sections at Once
Proposal Builder’s Table of Contents will now allow proposal creators to select and drag multiple sections at once to rearrange.
Customize – Reusable Sections Elements - Undelete Element
Reusable Sections in the Customize tab will now include an undelete option.
This element will be available to drag-and-drop after an element has been deleted.
Undelete will apply for a singular deleted element in each Reusable Section.
Undelete will only be available while on the Customize tab.
Improved Document Library Navigation: Collapsible Category Headers
With this release, all Brand, Reusable Section, and Template libraries will now have collapsible category headers.
By default, all headers are collapsed.
Search will automatically expand categories containing matching keywords, ensuring quick and efficient access to relevant brands, reusable sections, and templates.
Commercial Property - Subjects of Insurance Mapping Update
Now, if the Cause of Loss field is left blank within a Commercial Property Policy, AMS360 proposal creators can ensure accurate translation of applicable policy data to their proposals.
(This is the Drop-down text)
Proposal Builder: AMS360 23R10.1 Release Notes
Vertafore is pleased to release Proposal Builder 23R10.1 for AMS360. With each release, we are incrementally improving and updating Proposal Builder to provide you with the best possible experience.
Feature Updates
Table of Contents: Policy Labels on Reusable Sections
The Table of Contents page will now display all policy numbers associated with their applicable Reusable Section.
The policies will display when hovering the cursor over the Reusable Section.
Commercial Property: Consolidated Premise and Subjects of Insurance Table
Proposal Builder’s Commercial Property section will now include a table that consolidates the Premise and Subjects of Insurance tables. This new table will need to be manually added to any applicable Commercial Property sections.
Commercial Property: Address Column Added to the Subjects of Insurance Table
The Subjects of Insurance table now includes an Address column that displays the location each coverage belongs to.
Relocated the Repeating Column Header Button
The Repeatable Column Header button has been moved to the Table Options toolbar. This new location still allows CSRs to access to the button, regardless of whether the table has a title or not.
Improved Proposal Builder Handling for Agency Contact Fields
The Simple and Back Cover pages will no longer display agency contact fields that have no associated information from AMS360.
Proposal Builder: AMS360 23R7 [Hotfix] Release Notes
Vertafore is pleased to release Proposal Builder 23R7 [Hotfix] for AMS360. With each release, we are incrementally improving and updating Proposal Builder to provide you with the best possible experience.
Feature Update
This release includes an update to guided walk-throughs that reflect recent enhancements plus an improved interface.
Proposal Builder: AMS360 23R6.1 Release Notes
Vertafore is pleased to release Proposal Builder 23R6.1 for AMS360. With each release, we are incrementally improving and updating Proposal Builder to provide you with the best possible experience.
Feature Updates
Proposal Builder Performance Enhancement
Proposal Builder will be moved to the Titan infrastructure. This improvement will bring improved stability and reduced downtime to the tool. There are no changes to current feature functionality.
Proposal Builder: AMS360 23R4.1 Release Notes
Vertafore is pleased to release Proposal Builder 23R4.1 for AMS360. With each release, we are incrementally improving and updating Proposal Builder to provide you with the best possible experience.
Feature Updates
Added Support for Editable Cover Pages
Proposal Builder users will now have the ability to edit the dynamic information that pulls to both the Custom and Simple Cover Page.
The new Cover Page tab will be available to users while creating/editing a proposal.
The fields available to edit will depend on the admin’s selections in the brand setup.
CSRs will be unable to edit any brand styling or images on the cover pages.
There is a new setting available for admins that allows access to this new tab.
Added Option for Repeatable Table Headers
Table headers for both dynamic and static tables will now have the option to repeat on pages on which the table continues.
There is a new admin setting that will apply this setting to all tables.
This setting will be on by default.
CSRs will have the ability to turn on/off this setting on a table-by-table basis while working on a proposal.
New Line of Business - Flood
Proposal Builder now supports commercial and personal lines for Flood lines of business. Admins will now be able to create reusable sections for Flood.
The Flood Data entry will apply to both commercial and personal lines.
A default Flood section has been added to the Reusable Sections Library.
Added 2 New Tables for Equipment Additional Interests to Commercial Inland Marine
Proposal Builder now includes “Equipment Summary – Additional Interests” and “Scheduled Equipment – Additional Interests” tables within the Commercial Inland Marine Reusable Section.
Data will map from the “Additional Interests” area of the Equipment Summary and Scheduled Equipment of a Commercial Inland Marine policy.
These tables will need to be manually added by the Proposal Builder admin.
Added New Table for Endorsements to Homeowners
Proposal Builder now includes an Endorsements dynamic table within the Homeowners Reusable Section.
Data will map from the Endorsements area of a Homeowners policy.
This table will need to be manually added by the Proposal Builder admin.
Basic Policy Info Table Sort Order Added
Proposal Builder will now sort policies translated to this dynamic table by the Policy Number column in alphabetical order.
Improved Inactive Division Handling
Proposal Builder now hides inactive divisions from being assigned when creating or editing brands, reusable sections, and templates.
The Proposal Builder admin will be prompted to assign a division to any brands, sections, or templates that were only assigned to an inactive division before being able to edit.
Employee Headshot Element
Admins will now have the ability to include their employees’ headshots as a dynamic element in their sections.
It can be drag and dropped anywhere within a section.
The image will map from the headshot area of the employee setup in AMS360.
Issues Fixed
Resolved an issue where users were unable to rename a proposal under “Preview & Share”.
Resolved an issue with the Simple Cover Page with commas still being present if the agency address does not exist.
Resolved an issue where the Exposure column within the General Liability’s “Liability Classification” table would pull a $ symbol.
Resolved an issue where the proposals within “All Documents” were not sorting alphabetically when set to “Sort by: Client.”
Resolved an issue that allowed users to save a section with no name when editing a proposal.
Proposal Builder: AMS360 22R10.1 Release Notes
Vertafore is pleased to release Proposal Builder 22R10.1 for AMS360. With each release, we are incrementally improving and updating Proposal Builder to provide you with the best possible experience.
Feature Updates
Policy Comparison Reusable Section
Proposal Builder admins will now have the capability to add a "Policy Comparisons Reusable" section to their Proposal templates.
On the Fly Dynamic Sections
End-users will now have the ability to add additional dynamic sections to their proposal after the policy has been sent from AMS360.
The available dynamic sections will depend on the user’s divisional settings (if applicable).
Reusable sections will need to have an “Active” status to populate in the Table of Contents.
On the Fly Dynamic Fields
End users now have the ability to add dynamic fields to their proposal after their policy has been sent to Proposal Builder.
Dynamic fields will show as the Dynamic Field name if there is no available policy data.
Copy/Paste Elements
End-users will now have the ability to copy and paste elements between sections.
The paste icon will be visible after a user has copied an element. The icon can be dragged and dropped anywhere within a section.
Added a New Dynamic Field
Proposal Builder now support the following Dynamic Field:
#ServiceFees – maps the fees from the "Transaction Fees" section of a policy.
Issues Fixed
Resolved an issue where a policy with an LoB without an SDE linked would disable the Start Proposal button.
Resolved an issue where PDFs and images would overlay onto the next section when text elements were included in the subsection.
Proposal Builder: AMS360 22R7.1 Release Notes
Vertafore is pleased to release Proposal Builder 22R7.1 for AMS360.With each release, we are incrementally improving and updating Proposal Builder to provide you with the best possible experience.
Import/Export Multi-Select for Reusable Sections and Brands
Proposal Builder admins will now have the capability to select multiple Sections and Brands to export from the Library View.
Brands and Sections must be in the “Active” status to be exported.
Each Brand or Section selected will be exported as a separate file and grouped for download in a zip folder.
In the import menu, admins can now Ctrl + click multiple exported '.JSON' files for bulk import. Users can also click a folder to import all files in the folder.
All imported files will go to the “Imported” Category and be set to “In Draft”.
Added “Forms” Table to all Commercial Lines Sections
Proposal Builder now maps the “Forms” policy information to a new table for each Commercial LOB Data Entries (Property, GL, Auto, IM, Umbrella, Crime, Garage and Dealers, Truckers, and Workers Comp)
The new table will need to be manually added to all applicable sections by the Proposal Builder admin.
Added New Dynamic Fields
Proposal Builder now support the following Dynamic Fields:
#CustomerName – maps First and Last Name of the customer, useful in place of #NamedInsured for Personal Lines
#ServiceTeamExecTitle and #ServiceTeamRepTitle
#ServiceTeamExecCell and #ServiceTeamRepCell
Added New Fields to Simple Cover Page
The Simple Cover Page now includes options for Customer Name, Firm Name, and DBA
Ended Support for Internet Explorer
As of this release, users will no longer be able to access Proposal Builder using IE. Please use Chrome or Microsoft Edge.
If using Edge in “IE Compatibility Mode”, user will also be unable to access Proposal Builder. They will need to click the “Launch in Edge” button.
Resolved an issue with the Table of Contents not inheriting landscape orientation from Simple Cover Page
Resolved an issue with PDFs overlying sections when Smart Page Breaks was OFF
Resolved an issue where Smart Page Breaks toggle was OFF by default in new Templates
Resolved an issue with the Divisional Dropdown in .csv Reporting
Resolved an issue with Proposal Status not updating to “Generated” when exported
Vertafore is pleased to release Proposal Builder 22R5.1 for AMS360.
With each release, we are incrementally improving and updating Proposal Builder to provide you with the best possible experience.
Feature Updates
“Send to InsurLink” Feature Added
Proposal Builder will now have the capability to send completed proposals to InsurLink for end-insured access.
Users will find a new button in the export options that will send the proposal as a PDF.
Proposals sent will be stored in a new Proposals tab in InsurLink, which will need to be enabled in the InsurLink settings.
Proposals sent to InsurLink will have a logo indicator in the All Proposal library.
If a specific customer is not set up on InsurLink, the Proposal Builder user will receive a message letting them know.
Agencies must have an InsurLink subscription for feature to function.
Added Loading Indicator When Change Component Status
Proposal Builder will now display a loading indicator when changing a brand, section, or template to Active or In Draft.
This resolves an issue where users might navigate away from the page before the status change was saved.
Improvements to Brand and Template Library Search Functionality
When entering information into the search bar of the Brand or Template libraries, the search will now filter out categories with no matching criteria.
Issues Fixed
Resolved an issue where manually returned lines within a table were removed in the final proposal.
Resolved an issue with custom column header changes not saving.
Resolved an issue where table changes in Customize were not saving.
Resolved an issue with PDFs at the end of a section creating two blank pages.