AMS360 Connect
The AMS360 Connect integration provides a bi-directional data sync between AMS360 and Salesforce (Sales Cloud).
This will give producers access to current policy information, which means CSRs will not have to enter prospect data twice.
This will help agencies grow, speed up service, and improve data accuracy.
Primary video:
NOTE: For each additional product connection, agencies must already be using each respective product. |
PL Rating video:
ImageRight video:
RiskMatch video:
NOTE: For additional information, please be sure to visit the Connectors page located on MyVertafore. |
In Salesforce, click the Leads drop-down and then click New Lead.
New Lead
You will notice that we have added three new fields to the Lead creation form:
Type of Business
Business Units
The Executive and Representative fields will auto-populate from the AMS 360 mappings page upon saving or you can enter your own information
The Type of Business field is a new field
New Fields
Enter your relevant Lead information, and then click Save.
Next, click the Details tab.
- You will see that the Executive and Representative Fields have been auto-populated.
Details: Exec and Rep fields
Click the Business Units tab and you will also notice that the fields have been auto-populated from the users AMS360 Mappings settings.
These fields are needed for the Integration.
Business Units.
When you close out a lead or convert it, you will have the ability to create an Account, Contact, and Opportunity. Click Convert when you are ready to proceed.
Once your lead has been converted, click the Account name. If you click the Details tab, you will see the auto-populated fields as well as a new type of Business field which is necessary for the AMS integration.
New Type of Business Field
Navigate to the new Opportunity, then click the Details tab. Again, you’ll notice that the fields are pre-filled.
Opportunity Lead
Opportunity Lead: Details
You will also notice the new AMS360 Specific Data section.
Effective Date (auto populates, but can be edited)
Expiration Date (auto populates, but can be edited)
Opportunity Type (Default)
Type of Business
AMS360 Bill Method
AMS360 Specific Data
Note: Note: As you work through the opportunity, you will notice that the integration stage is customizable. In your settings, you have the ability to set the stage where the integration process occurs. In our examples, we use the default stages listed below. These stages are fully customizable within your organization.
In order to proceed with the integration process, you will need to select a line of business for your opportunity. Click Save to continue.
Line of Business
Make sure you have your integration stage selected and then click Mark as Current Stage.
At this point, a new customer, contact, submission shell, and suspense will be added to AMS360.
Mark Stage as Complete
Open AMS360, and in the Customer center, search for the Account associated with the Opportunity you were just working on in Salesforce. You will see that the Account has been added to your customer list.
New Customer
Click the new customer and then click Customer Overview under Views. You will see that all the info created in Salesforce has now carried over.
Customer Overview
When you integrate an opportunity into AMS360, a Suspense will be created in that customer. Click Suspense under the Views section. When a Suspense has been created, the representative selected in Salesforce will be notified that a new customer and submission has been created.
Click Submission under Views to see the new information that has been integrated. Then, click the new Submission. From here you can continue your process of getting a quote from carriers.
Closing out the Opportunity
When you are ready, you can close out your opportunity in Salesforce and you will notice the change in AMS360.
Closed as Lost: Suspense is sent to AMS360.
Closed as Won: You will notice that the account in AMS360 changes from Prospect to Customer.
A new suspense will also be created for the Representative in Salesforce.
Prospect to Customer
New Suspense
- New contacts can be added to Accounts that are already synched to AMS360 Customers.
On the Account page in Salesforce, under the Related section, under Contact click the New button.
Contacts: New
Enter the relevant data in the required fields, then click Save.
This info will carry over to AMS360.
You will also see your new contact in Salesforce.
New Contact
Salesforce: New Contact
Open AMS360 and search for the relevant customer. Then, click Customer Overview under the Views section. Here you will see your newly added Contact.
AMS360: New Contact
Note: If you create a new contact in AMS360, you will be able to see it in Salesforce. |
Reassigning contacts from one account to another is a part of standard Salesforce functionality. The information below will show you how to handle this process in AMS360:
If a contact is reassigned from a Salesforce Account that is synced with a Customer in AMS360, to an account in Salesforce that is synced with a Customer in AMS360:
Then the contact In AMS360 will be created under the Customer that is synced to the Account in Salesforce that the contact was moved to. The contact will then be deleted from the original AMS360 Customer.
If a contact is reassigned from a Salesforce Account that is NOT synced with a Customer in AMS360, to a Salesforce Account that is synced with a Customer in AMS360:
Then the Contact will be created under the Customer that is synced in AMS360.
If a contact is reassigned from a Salesforce Account that is synced with a customer in AMS360, to a Salesforce Account that is NOT synced with a Customer in AMS360:
Then the Contact will be deleted from the AMS 360 Customer that is synced in AMS360. The Contact will be created under the new Customer if/when it becomes synced.
If a contact is reassigned from a Salesforce Account that is NOT synced with a Customer in AMS360, to a Salesforce Account that is NOT synced to a Customer in AMS360:
Then there will be no changes until the account becomes synced in AMS360.
In Salesforce, you have the ability to create an activity called an AMS Task which will show up in AMS360 once you follow the below steps.
AMS Task
Open an account on Salesforce and look to the right-hand side of the page. Click the Activity tab and then click AMS Task. Start by clicking the Create New button.
AMS Task: Create New
Fill in the relevant information in the task fields. When finished, click Save.
AMS Task
Note: For this information to sync with AMS360, you must select the status as Completed before saving and continuing. And the parent Account of the Activity created should already be synced to AMS360. |
Status: completed (Update screenshot of entire task)
In AMS360, you will now be able to see the task you just created in the Activities section under Views.
AMS360: Activities
Note: This is a one-way integration where you must enter the data in Salesforce first in order to see it in AMS360. |
In Salesforce, selecting Email in the Activity tab will bring up the email form. When the email is sent, the To, Cc, Bcc, Subject, email body, and any attachments will be added in a new AMS360 Activity for the Representative listed in Salesforce.
Activity: Salesforce email
Activity: received email
AMS360 Activity: records activities from Salesforce
Available in Accounts, Opportunities, Contacts, Emails, and Policies there is a 2Gb limit to files in Salesforce, and a 100Mb limit in AMS360. Files over 100Mb will NOT sync to AMS360.
Salesforce Account: .docx attached to Account
Salesforce Contact: .txt attached to Contact
Salesforce Opportunity: .jpg attached to Opportunity
Salesforce Policy: .pdf attached to Policy
AMS360 Documents: all attachments from Salesforce
Note: Policy info is synced to Salesforce, it is “Read Only” and can be viewed following the below steps. |
1. In Salesforce, open an account and select an existing Policy Number.
Policy Number
You’ll notice that the fields are auto populated with info from AMS360.
Policy Info
Shared data between platforms
AMS360 Customer
Salesforce Account
AMS360 Customer Contact
Salesforce Contact
SF Opportunity for Submission
AMS360 Submission pt. 1
AMS360 Submission pt. 2
SF Account for Submissions
SF Opportunity LOB for Submission
SF/AMS360 Agency Settings for Submissions
Agency Setting option for System Admins to Re-run the Nightly sync:
This feature will allow customers to re-run the nightly sync if they were to add a new Business Unit, Line of Business, Issuing Carrier, or Action type to AMS360 and consequently immediately need it in Salesforce.
Furthering our integration with ImageRight and providing additional access to the Policy documents:
Producers can access documents in ImageRight/WorkSmart for a specific customer by clicking a button titled "ImageRight," which is located under an Account in Salesforce.
After clicking the link, a new tab will open to take the user directly to the policy ID associated with those documents within ImageRight.
Enhancement to our Initial sync to limit the policies syncing over from AMS360 into Salesforce, based on their Type of Business:
A filtering option has been created within the integration portal that allow users to select a specific Type of Business that will sync between systems.
This process will sync the Customer and Contacts that pertain to the selected Type of Business.
When syncing from Salesforce to AMS: The customer will need to enable/disable options for the Type of Business pick list.
When syncing from AMS to Salesforce: If there is not a value on the Type of Business field in AMS360, those selected Customers will not sync for either Initial or Real-time Syncs.
Filter option now exists to limit the Tasks syncing from Salesforce into AMS360 Activities:
Customers can now select the type of tasks they wish to sync into AMS360.
Option created to Convert Person Accounts into Business Accounts:
Customers can now easily convert Accounts that were created as Person Accounts but now need to be Business Accounts.
This option will allow Contacts to sync over from AMS360 to Business Accounts.
Created and added a "Stop Sync" check box on the Contact Object where producers can stop the sync for contacts that are not needed in AMS360.
Additional fields added to the Account Object:
We have added the Email2 field, which creates a bi-directional sync between AMS360 and Salesforce
Managed Permission set groups to make it easier for Salesforce admins to manage the permissions needed for their users
We have created two groups:
(1) AMS360 Connect Producers’ Group:
AMS360 Connect - General Permissions Clone
AMS360 Connect Apex classes
AMS360 Change RecordType PermissionSet
(2) AMS360 Connect System Admin:
AMS360 Connect - General Permissions Clone
AMS360 Connect Apex classes
AMS360 Connect - View Application Logs
AMS360 Connect - Modify Mappings
AMS360 Connect - Modify Agency Settings
AMS360 Connect - Integration Permissions
AMS360 Change RecordType PermissionSet
Enhancement on AMS360 Activity to fill in the Task Subject
This is a configurable enhancement that link the DBAction from AMS360 Activities to the Task subjects in Salesforce
Please contact Vertafore for help in properly setting up this initial configuration
Configurable functionality has been created to turn Submissions off, depending on the Policy type and/or Business Type
This element is located within "Agency Settings":
RiskMatch Cross-sell v2.0: This is intended to enhance the current functionality of our RiskMatch data into Salesforce
This feature will allow users to see the "Confidence" and "Lift" fields from AMS360 inside Salesforce
AMS360 Policy Object URL field in Salesforce that will open a new tab in their browser to the specific Accounts policy page in AMS360
A new field in Salesforce on the Policy Object will allow Users to open a new tab in AMS360 for the Accounts Policy information
Tasks will now sync from AMS360 to Salesforce
The activities CSR is working on in AMS360 will now be visible in Salesforce as Tasks
This material is located on the Account Object:
A check-box has been created on the Opportunity Object to be checked to insure it will not sync with AMS360
Within the Opportunity Object we now have a box to be checked when you do NOT want information syncing between the systems for that specific Account.
Added a look-up on the Policy Object for the invoice and invoice transactions
The Policy Object now contains a look-up field for the invoice and invoice transaction data record; this allows the producer to more easily navigate from the Policy to the Invoice.
Improved the APEX classes that interact with the delivered Email to Case
Enhancements have been made to the APEX classes with AMS360 so they work more efficiently with the delivered Email to Case functionality.
Salesforce to ImageRight
This is a deep link on the Account Object that navigates from producer to client in ImageRight
Please contact Vertafore for help in properly setting up this initial configuration in Agency Settings
Risk Match Cross-Sell Data
This element involves Vertafore RiskMatch cross-sell data objects
Data will not be introduced into a customer's organization unless they request the job to be run
Only Vertafore RiskMatch data will appear in objects; delivered reports and dashboards are not included for now.
Ability to Link Policy and Opportunity Data
When policies are created in AMS360, Salesforce will auto-link Salesforce opportunity and policy data for processing, flow and reporting purposes.
At this time, the managed package does not have any delivered flows or reports.
Opportunity Mass Data Upload Will Ignore AMS360 Connect Triggers
When mass uploading opportunity data through the data import wizard or the data loader, AMS360 APEX triggers will be ignored.
RiskMatch: Initial Risk Prediction and Risk Retention Data
This element involves Vertafore RiskMatch risk prediction and risk retention data objects.
Data will not be introduced into the customer's Salesforce org unless they request an integration job to be run.
Only Vertafore RiskMatch data will appear in objects; delivered reports and dashboards are not included at the moment.
Salesforce User-Specific Triggers
AMS360 Connect APEX Triggers are user-specific and therefore do not apply to the entire organization.
After the release is applied, please reach out to Vertafore to run the APEX code to enable user-specific triggers.
AMS360 Telemetry Error Data
We can now record data errors from AMS360 (within a certain date range) to help proactively identify AMS360 data issues more quickly.
NAICS and SIC codes for AMS360 Customer Data (Account Object in Salesforce)
We are now storing the NAICS and SIC codes from AMS360 to Salesforce.
The following items include the features and fixes that are part of this release:
PL Rating Integration
Suspense Flag Setting Addition to Agency Settings
Policy Transactions: Delete Old Transactions
AMS360 Invoice Transactions
Additional AMS360 Data Fields
Salesforce Application Log: Error Message Enhancements
Re-Queue Error Messages
Trigger Error Report Email Notifications to Customer Emails
Fixed Defect to Contact & Person Account
Agency Setting Enhancements
Additional Product Enhancements
On the Opportunity object, you can now click a button and link data from Salesforce to PL Rating, once you have passed the Integration Stage set through AMS360 Connect. This process will generate a link that can take you to PL Rating, where initial detail client details are populated to begin a rating request. You can continue with the rest of the PL Rating workflow from within PL Rating.
This setting will allow agencies to turn off suspense creation within AMS360.
Configuration to delete an old policy's transactions-based Policy Expiration Date.
Vertafore will need to configure this setting, so please reach out to your support representative for further assistance.
AMS360 invoice transaction data will now be viewable.
The following data fields have been added:
Producer Commission related to the Policy
Renewal description, Cancellation Date, Cancellation Reason, Reinstatement Date, Reinstatement Reason
Federal Tax ID
Enhanced messages have been added to Salesforce application logs regarding errors that will assist in investigating data errors.
Certain error messages will be re-queued within a pre-determined frequency.
Email reports can now be sent daily to customers when messages fail.
A Contact & Person Account is not getting created from AMS360 to Salesforce when an invalid email such as “” is entered. Now, Contact and Person Accounts will be created even if invalid email addresses are entered.
The following settings have been enhanced:
Task creation On/Off
Account and Contact data, which will sync regardless of the integration stage setting
A hyphen character (-) is now permitted as part of the Mailing Postal/Zip Code on the Account Object during the data sync.
The line of business layout has been added to the "Related" tab on the Account object.
The following items include the features and fixes that are part of this release:
AMS360 "Last Name" Error
Submission Number Field
Policy Transaction Fix
"Opportunity Lost" Error
JWT Authentication
AMS360 Representative Email
The record type is truncated and displays the first 20 characters of the last name.
The submission number (vert__AMS360_Submission_Number__c) can now be added to the opportunity page layout, if desired.
In all instances, the transaction type of "Renew Policy" now displays as expected.
Salesforce users can save the opportunity record with a stage of "Closed Lost" when the Line of Business data is not filled in.
For testing purposes, the JWT authentication method now works in sandbox environments.
AMS360 representatives email now appears in Salesforce.
The following items include the features and fixes that are part of this release:
New Field Added for Agencies Using BenefitPoint
Line of Business Improved Navigation
Default Billing Set by Type of Business
Package Deployment Steps Enhanced
For agencies that use BenefitPoint, a new field labeled "Is Benefits" is now added to the Account Object, which serves to enhance the integration trigger for AMS360 Connect.
If the box is checked (i.e., "Yes") when the opportunity hits the chosen integration state or "Closed Won," the submission shell/policy shell are be created in AMS360, and the suspense and tasks are also not created in AMS360.
If the box remains unchecked (i.e., "No"), the functionality in the integration with AMS360 remains the same.
The following enhancements have been made:
The "Save" button remains static to avoid the need to scroll to the bottom of the page.
"Select Line of Business" is divided into two columns (with a dynamic scroll feature) as a space-saving measure (see screenshot below).
AMS360 Connect administrators now have the option to select a different default billing method in SalesForce, based on the type of business.
The ability to modify the default billing method (per type of business) resides on the Agency Settings configuration page.
AMS360 Connect now offers improved navigation for the setup and configuration links that are needed for package deployment.
The following items include the features and fixes that are part of this release:
JWT Authentication
AMS360 Email Data
Package Deployment Enhancements
Policy LOB (Line of Business) Reporting Enhancement
Branch Department Junctions Mismatch in SF
This feature will prevent agencies from requiring an additional Salesforce license to pass information between Salesforce and AMS360, thereby lowering monthly costs.
AMS360 Connect will now write AMS360 email data to the standard Salesforce email field.
There are several manual steps the PS / Implementation person and the Customer must undertake to implement AMS360 Connect to an agency. As part of this feature, we have implemented changes with the configuration and navigation setup that automates some of the onboarding processes.
We have added expanded functionality for pick-lists related to policy line of business to achieve easier reporting. This expansion provides agencies with an easier way to pull reports based on Lines of Business within their data, so they can have a better understanding of opportunities within their business.
When AMS360 Connect syncs the Business Unit's data during the nightly sync process, the branch and department junctions will now properly align each evening, as expected.
The following items include the features and fixes that are part of this release:
Enabling Person Accounts
Orphan Contact Creation
Object-Specific Initial Sync
Expand Sync Options
Asynchronous Call Update
This feature will allow the AMS360 Connect app to be available for Person Account-enabled organizations. In AMS360, if a customer is created by selecting only “Personal” as the Type of Business, then the account created in Salesforce [SF] will be of type Personal; any other combination will be sent to Salesforce as a Business account.
Previously, there was an issue where, if one did not have an account in SF and wished to create a contact in AMS360, the contact was nonetheless created in SF as well, which was an unexpected development. This situation has been fixed so that creating a contact in AMS360 only results in a similar one created in SF where that account already existed.
This feature allows customers to only sync data specific to single or multiple objects. For example, if a user runs the initial sync and accounts were all successfully inserted, but the contacts failed due to a technical issue, the user will now be able to run the initial sync only for contacts. This will save considerable time for users and avoid the necessity of running an initial sync for the same objects.
This feature expands sync options to include limiting data based on customer type and customer status, which agencies consider when evaluating the usefulness of their data in AMS360. This allows greater flexibility as to what information is extracted from the management system by consequently enhancing the existing sync process. The feature also helps integration experts work with agencies in the post-onboarding phase to allow additional data to be migrated or not migrated, as required.
Due to the SF limitation on synchronous calls, the system is unable to schedule more than 50 queue-able jobs. This formerly resulted in SF account updating failures when transitioning from SF to AMS360. To fix this issue, we have changed these calls to asynchronous to avoid it.
The following items include the features and fixes that are part of this release:
AMS360 Policy Transaction Premiums
Creating a Suspense Object
Defects Fixed in this Release
The basic Policy object originally created is being enhanced by adding Policy Transaction Premiums data to the page. During the initial sync, all existing transactions on policies that are synced will also be synced. New code has also been added to enable the transaction real-time sync from AMS360 to Salesforce. This sync supports Inserting, Updating, as well as Deleting transactions. From the customer viewpoint, the only change needed is to enable Policy Transaction Premiums in the Notification section under the Administration center in AMS360.
How to Setup the Feature
For customers who are being updated to version1.26, the AMS360 Policy page must be updated to view the information provided by the new feature.
- Add the three new fields Premium Total, Taxes and Fees, Cost of Insurance to the Policy Page Layout found in the Setup section under the Object Manager tab.
- For both existing customers that are updating and new customers, the Premium Totals table must be added to the Policy Lightning page. Go to Lightning Record Pages, under the Object Manager tab, and either edit the existing record page or create a new record page, if necessary.
Lightning Record Pages
- Drag the ListTransactionRecords aura component from the left side menu to the Policy page, and save the record.
- In the Transactions winform, Fees and Taxes must be added first, then add Transaction Premiums.
- Once added, click on Save, or Save & Close. Premium Transaction and Fees will then sync over to Salesforce as Read-only data on the AMS360 Policy page.
- Updates are supported in the same way. Any updates, or sole entry of Fees & Taxes will not trigger the sync automatically. Another update or Save to a Premium must be triggered to sync Taxes & Fees.
- Select a Transaction Premium, click on Edit, Update and then Save the Policy.
- Delete the operation on the Transaction Premiums. Again, due to limitations in the AMS360 Notification Service, Delete is not supported for Taxes & Fees at this time.
AMS360: Transaction Premiums
The marked sections indicate which specific fields are being synced.
In Salesforce, the data will be displayed as below:
Salesforce: Transaction Premiums
In Salesforce:
Salesforce: Policy Premium Totals
- Finally, the ONS Notification needs to be enabled for the Policy Transaction Premium. When the integration is initially set-up, this will be enabled by Professional Services. However, this can also be enabled by the customer inside AMS360 by heading to the Administration center and clicking on Notification Service Setup.
Notification Service Setup
This feature will allow you to create a suspense in AMS360 from Salesforce.
- You will create a suspense in Salesforce under Account/Contact, the same information will sync over to AMS360 under Customer/Contact.
- After opening the Account/Contact record in Salesforce, click on New under the Suspense tab as shown below.
Suspense Object
- After entering values in the required fields click on Save to create a suspense record.
New AMS360 Suspense
Removed functionality where submission shells were displayed on the policy object
Fixed defect where Client Type field was not populating
Fixed defect where duplicate attachments were created from Salesforce
Updated various error messages