Report: Customer Aged Accounts Receivable
Use the Customer Aged Accounts Receivable report as a collection tool. It shows the amounts due your agency from your customers, by age of the invoice. This report can be run for one customer or all, and for functionality, can be limited by business unit, representative, and/or executive. This can be sent with a collection letter.

- On the 360Toolbox menu, click Classic Reports to open Reports - All where you can make your selection.
- Click Customer Aged Accounts Receivable. This opens the Report - Customer Aged Accounts Receivable selection form.

Report Selections | What is this? | |||||||||||||||||||||
Invoice Balances and Aging as of: |
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Invoice Age |
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Credit Balance Invoices |
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Exclude Advanced Invoices | Check this box to exclude Advanced Invoices from the report. The default is unchecked. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Customer Selection |
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Policy Selections |
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Sort Option | Primary Sort Select the primary sort for your report from the list:
The number of Business Unit combinations are subject to your Business Unit setup. Secondary SortsYou can't choose your secondary sorts, but depending on your selected primary sort, AMS360 automatically performs the secondary sorts as follows:
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Report Invoice Detail | Check this box to report detail by invoice. When unchecked the report displays totals by customer (no invoice detail). The default is unchecked or a summary report by customer. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Description | Accept the default description, or enter a new one that describes the report you are requesting. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Print Cover Page | Allows you to include a cover page listing the selected options included in the report. This option defaults as unchecked. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Only Show Customer Service Team | Select this option to have the report show the Customer Service Team. If not selected, the report shows the policy personnel on the last unpaid invoice. |

To preview or print the detail report, the Report Invoice Detail check box must be checked. This report displays the data in more detail because it does not have aging buckets, only the number of days old in the Age column. This leaves more room on the report for other types of detail columns. However, the page break total pages and the grand total page, separate the amount due into aging buckets.
Customer Aged Accounts Receivable Report - Invoice Detail |
This report has page breaks by all sort entities except customer.
Report Columns | Description | ||||||||
Customer Name | Customer firm name; if none then last name, first name. | ||||||||
Res Phone | Customer residence phone and extension, if any. | ||||||||
Bus Phone | Customer business phone and extension, if any. | ||||||||
Exec | Executive's last name, first name for the invoice. | ||||||||
Rep | Representative's last name, first name for the invoice. | ||||||||
Policy Type | Print the policy type next to the policy:
| ||||||||
Policy # | The policy number from Basic Policy. | ||||||||
Invoice # | The invoice number of the transaction. | ||||||||
Balance | The remaining balance for each invoice on the report. This is the total balance of the invoice if no payments are posted against it. | ||||||||
Age | This is the number of days old for each invoice on the report. This number can be negative if this is an advanced invoice. | ||||||||
EffDate | This is the invoice effective date. | ||||||||
Late Charge | This is any late charges accrued against the invoice. | ||||||||
Last Pay | The date of the last payment posted to the customer account. | ||||||||
CustBal | This is the balance of all invoices for the customer. This amount prints on the first invoice row for the customer. | ||||||||
Total Receivables by Sort Entity | Prints the totals of each aging category for the sort entity (rep/exec/business unit). | ||||||||
Total Customer Aged Accounts Receivable |

To preview or print the non-detail report, the Report Invoice Detail check box must be un-checked. This report shows the invoice balances divided among the appropriate aging buckets.
Customer Aged Accounts Receivable Report - Non-Detail |
This report has page breaks by all sort entities except customer.
Report Columns | Description | ||||||||
Customer Name | Customer firm name; if none then last name, first name. This field can be truncated if the customer name is longer than the space allowed. | ||||||||
Res Phone | Customer residence phone and extension, if any. | ||||||||
Bus Phone | Customer business phone and extension, if any. | ||||||||
Exec | Executive's last name, first name for the customer. | ||||||||
Rep | Representative's last name, first name for the customer. | ||||||||
Last PmtDate | The date of the last payment posted to the customer account. | ||||||||
Last PmtAmt | The last payment amount posted to the customer account. | ||||||||
Aging Categories | The customer balance in the appropriate aging categories, based on the later of the invoice date or invoice effective date, that make up the customer balance. | ||||||||
Late Charge | Total late charges assessed against the invoice balances that make up the customer balance. | ||||||||
Total | The total of all invoice balances for the customer. | ||||||||
Total Receivables by Sort Entity | Print the totals of each aging category for the sort entity (exec/rep/business unit). | ||||||||
Total Customer Aged Accounts Receivable |

CSV Columns | Description |
CustomerName | Customer name. |
AccountNo | Customer account number. |
ResPhone | Customer residence phone. |
BusPhone | Customer business phone. |
InvExec | Executive assigned at the invoice level. |
InvRep | Representative assigned at the invoice level. |
PolicyNo | Basic policy number. |
Invoice | Invoice number. |
MESuffix | Suffix extension on the invoice number for multi-entity billing. |
Balance | Invoice balance. |
InvAge | In days old, the age of the invoice based on the invoice date. |
EffAge | In days old, the age of the invoice based on the invoice effective date. |
GLAge | In days old, age of the invoice based on the general ledger date. The general ledger date is equal to the later of the Invoice Date or the Invoice Effective Date. |
LateCharge | Late charge amount for the invoice, if any. |
InvLastPmtDate | The date of the last payment on the invoice. |
InvLastPmtAmt | The amount of the last payment on the invoice. |
EffDate | The invoice effective date. |
GLDivision | The division assigned to the invoice. |
GLDepartment | The department assigned to the invoice. |
PolicyID | A unique internal AMS360 policy Id number. |
PolicyType | The policy type (BOP, Package, Monoline, LOB). See Report Data > Detail Report Columns > Policy Type in this topic for additional information. |
CustExec | Executive assigned to the customer. |
CustRep | Representative assigned to the customer. |
CustLastPmtDate | The date of the last payment on the customer. |
CustLastPmtAmt | The amount of the last payment on the customer. |
GLBranch | The branch assigned to the invoice. |
GLGroup | The group assigned to the invoice. |

Data in this report can be merged to collection letters using Form Letters. To use this option:
- Make your report selections. As an example, set Invoice Age to Age Greater than 30 days old.
- From the File menu and select Create Form Letter. The Form Letters form appears.
- In the Quick Letters section, select Accounting as the category and Aged AR Collection as the document.
- Use the Recipient Selection section to view and select recipients. Set Activity Options and process as with any form letter.
You can also set up your own collection letters, with customized merge fields, in the Document Library so that they are available to be selected in the Quick Letters section > Document field.