Report: Invoice
The invoice is the primary billing document for your customers. Invoices are typically created for each policy transaction, although charges for a transaction can be divided into multiple installments.
The Invoice report is also available as a Quick Report from the sidebar menu on the Customer and Financial Centers.

Access this report by any of the following methods:
- In the Customer Center, search for and select a customer from the list, then select the report from the Quick Reports menu in the sidebar on the Customer Center. (The report is not available unless a customer is selected.)
- Select from the Quick Reports menu in the Financial Center.
- On the 360Toolbox menu, click Classic Reports to open Reports - All where you can make your selection.
- From any data entry form that has a Toolbox menu, click Toolbox > Reports to open the Reports - All list where you can make your selection.
All methods open the report selection options form.

You can only preview and print invoices for the business units for which you have authorization.
When the report is accessed as a quick report, some settings are pre-filled on the selection form by default. You can change the default settings as needed.
Report Selections | What's this? | ||||||||||||||||
Invoice Numbers |
You must select the All Unprinted option in this section to create an invoice 'batch.' A 'batch' can be re-printed as a group at a later date. Choosing any other option, such as Specific Invoice Number, will not create an invoice 'batch.'
Invoice Date Range |
To enable theInvoice Date Rangegroup, select either theAll Unprinted, or thePreviously Printedoptions in the Invoice Numbers group above.
Customer |
Print invoices for All customers (default), or print invoices for one customer. To select a customer, click Search. This opens the Customer Search form. Select the desired customer. To enable the Customer option, select either the All Unprinted, or the Previously Printed options in the Invoice Numbers group above. |
Policy |
This option is available when a specific Customer is selected. Select to print invoices for All policies or just one policy for the customer. |
Business Unit |
Click the link to open the Business Unit Selections form and make your selections. |
Executive |
Select to print invoices for One, Multiple, or All (default)Executive, Representative, or Broker options. To enable these options, select either the All Unprinted, or the Previously Printed options in the Invoice Numbers group above. |
Representative |
Broker |
Posted By |
Use to print invoices posted by a specific employee. This may not be the employee who entered the invoice. If you use suspended billing and an employee approves and posts the billing, then AMS360 considers that person as posting the invoice. |
Printing Option |
Message |
Type in a message you want to appear on all invoices in the batch. This field accepts up to 255 characters. |
Sort Order |
Select the desired sort order from the list. Representative is the default. |
Description |
Accept the default description, or enter a new one that describes the report you are requesting. |
Print Cover Page |
Allows you to include a cover page listing the selected options included in the report. This option defaults as unchecked. |

The format of a printed Invoice is dependent on several factors including:
- Settings in Agency Setup > Name, Address & Phone Numbers> Invoice/Customer Statement - Agency Forms Customization.
- Settings in Agency Setup > Forms Name/Address/Phone Numbers.
- Entries in Bill To and/or Message sections of the Create Invoice form.
Some of the fields that print on the invoice are described below:
Field | What's this? | ||||||||||
Summary Information |
The small grid in the upper right-hand corner of the Invoice contains the following information:
Payment Information |
Invoice |
Invoice number. |
Effective |
Effective date of the invoice. |
Transaction |
Description |
Description includes the following:
Amount |
Invoice amount. |
Message/Future Installments box |
Large area on the lower left side of the Invoice contains any message added in the Message box on the report selections form. Or if the policy contains Future Invoices/Installments and the Show Future Installments option is checked in Agency Setup > Name, Address & Phone Numbers> Invoice/Customer Statement - Agency Forms Customization, future invoices/installments print. |
Total |
Total amount of the invoice. |
Disclaimer |
Disclaimer text appears if it has been setup. See Text Setup. |
Agency Information |
The agency information appears at the bottom of the invoice so the customer has a record of who this invoice is from once the top portion of the invoice is torn off and returned with the payment. |

If you are set up with multiple business unit company logos, agency name and addresses, color settings, and/or groupings, it is recommended that you preview your invoices prior to printing. If you are having difficulties, consult the troubleshooting table below.
Problem | Answer |
Delay in Printing or Previewing an Invoice |
The size of the logo image file affects the time to print or preview invoices. Vertafore suggests a file size of approximately 100 KB. If the logo image file size is larger, printing and viewing time will be noticeably longer. |
Printing Agency and/or Direct Bill Invoices |
The default to print Direct and/or Agency Bill invoices and how they are grouped is set in Agency Setup > Name, Address and Phone Numbers > Invoice/Customer Statement - Agency Forms Customization section. These defaults can be overridden by customer, in Customer Setup > Options section. When the Grouping options are controlled by Customer Setup, they are subject to the invoice effective date rule. |
Grouping |
Printing Future Installments |
Agency Setup/Accounting Options control when future installments get invoice numbers and print. Check the Number of Days to Bill in Advancesetting if an invoice with a future invoice effective date is not printing as expected. |
Printing Exec and Rep Name on Invoice |
Whether or not the Exec and/or Rep's name appear on the invoice is set in Agency Setup > Name, Address and Phone Numbers > Invoice/Customer Statement - Agency Forms Customization section. |
Agency Name & Addresses |
Agency Setup > Forms Name/Address/Phone Numbers section, and the addresses entered in the Business Unit Setup control the addresses printed on the invoices. To open this form:
Paper Selection |
To set these options for the agency, open Agency Setup > Name/Address and Phone Numbers > Invoice/Customer Statement - Agency Forms Customization > Invoice Default Settings group. If these options for a particular business unit need to be changed, consult the Accounting Options section of Agency Setup and click the Business Unit Setup link. When editing any one of the business units, click the Invoice/Customer Statement [Business Unit] Forms Customization. |
CSV File |
There is no CSV file available for invoices. |