Internet Explorer Security

Security is one of the most important features of AMS360. The Internet security protocol SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is used to secure the information you send and receive. With this security protocol key information, such as customer information, is encrypted so the information cannot be viewed or read while crossing the network. Additionally, your AMS360 information is safeguarded at the Vertafore Data Center, a secure and reliable facility, monitored by personnel 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

While confidential information is carefully protected, AMS360 also contains items, such as miscellaneous graphic images or navigation bars, that do not use this secure protocol because they do not require the same level of encryption. As a result, Internet Explorer (IE) may display a message similar to the following when you log in to AMS360:

This page contains both secure and non-secure items. Do yo want to display the non-secure items?

When this security prompt appears, click Yes to display the non-secure items and continue the system log in. To avoid displaying this prompt on each system log in, the message can be disabled using the instructions in the section below.


You should review your Internet security settings with your System Administrator to determine if the changes described in this topic should be applied to your workstation.

Disabling the Security Prompt

To disable the IE security prompt for displaying secure and non-secure items on a web page use the following instructions:

  1. Open Internet Explorer (IE).
  2. Click Tools on the IE toolbar, and select Internet Options. The Internet Options dialog box appears.
  3. Click the Security tab.
  4. Make sure Internet is selected as the web content zone, and click Custom Level.
  5. Scroll down the Settings list to the Miscellaneous section to the Display Mixed Content setting.
  6. Click Enable.
  7. Click OK.

For more information see Microsoft Knowledge Base article #300443 at